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Requested by Empster101

#16: "I never meant to hurt you."
#19: "I'm going to kill you!"

Warnings: Cursing


"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" You yelled and ran into his lab angrily.

Tony rolled his eyes and turned to you angrily. He crossed his arms in an annoyed manner and eyed you. Bruce was on the other side of the desk trying to do his work.

"I can't believe you!" You yelled and Tony raised a brow.

"You didn't tell me the kid was fifteen!" You yelled at him and he realized what you were talking about.

He rubbed the back of his neck and scoffed.


"And?! He is way too young to be out in the field! Especially when the Avengers are having a fucking fight!" You retort causing him to roll his eyes.

Bruce just stood there awkwardly. He slowly tried to make his way out of the room. Tony shot him a look and Bruce froze under his stare.

"Where are you going?" Tony spat. Bruce looked at you two for a couple minutes. He finally ran down the hall yelling,

"Fuck this shit I'm out!"

You look back at Tony in complete anger. Tony didn't tell you Peter was fifteen when he was recruited. You just knew Peter was a teenager and he was a skilled fighter.

"You could've at least warned the team?!" You growled and Tony snorted. You pinched the bridge of your nose,

"Tony. You could've at least told me." You said more calmly, controlling your anger. Tony looked back at you.

"Why does it matter?! He didn't get hurt!" He remarked.

You glared at him and tried to ignore his stupid remark. Tony could've at least mentioned the kid was fifteen. He's lucky Peter didn't get seriously hurt.

"Tony you have to realize that some day, you're gonna be on the field with the kid. Or in a battle, and he's going to get seriously injured." You said as Tony sent you a look.

"H-He could die." Tony stayed quiet as you spoke.

"He won't." He growled.

"He could."

"HE WON'T!" Tony yelled louder at you. You jumped backwards at his sudden tone.

"Tony, you know damn well that kid could die or get seriously injured! And you know what's going to happen right?! Once it happens, everyone's going to blame you!" You said pointing at him angrily.

"Wether he gets shot or, I don't know, turns into dust or something! Everyone will blame you." You sneered and Tony looked away from you.

"All I'm trying to sa—,"

"No you've made your point!" He said and clenched his jaw. He walked out of the lab, and made a b-line to his room. His hand was on the knob ready to open the door.

"Tony get your ass back here." You said and grabbed his wrist. Tony turned abruptly, causing you to step backwards. He glared at you, his eyes a bit puffy.

"Are you crying?" You mumbled and ran a hand down your face.


"Tony I never meant to hurt you. I'm just worried about you and Peter. You know you'll blame yourself if the kid ever dies." You muttered and he looked at you.

"You just, need to look out for the kid." You said and Tony nodded. You both stood in silence. Tony's hand still on the knob.

"What the hell?" Clint asked peeking his head out of the vents. You sent him a look and he raised a brow.

"So are you guys just going to stand there? Because I actually have something to tell you guys! I was playing on th—," Clint explained, smiling.

Tony then opened the door instantly and ran in. You ran in with him and shut the door. Clint frowned and looked at the readers.

He saluted them, winked at them and smirked.

He then got pummeled to the ground by Wade. Wade looked down at him smirking.

"I bet you didn't see that coming?!" Wade asked smirking down at Clint, who was on the ground. Wade looked up at the readers.

"Hi." He says waving at them.

"I just wanna say that you are looking really nice today. Also, please do not think of Peter's death in Infinity War again. And how much it'll impact Tony and May's everyday lives. And it's most likely the reason why Tony stopped making more suits after Mark 50. Well anyway, gotta blast."

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