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Warnings: Cursing, Angst?, Fluff


You and Tony have been dating for months now, and he's never been happier. There's a always a smile on his face when he's around you, a complete change from when he's all gloomy in his lab.

"BABE, I'm going on a mission!" You yelled from the living room.

You heard Tony's hurried footsteps as he ran into the room. He tackled you into a hug and kisses you. You laugh and kiss him back.

"Can you guys not do that every time one of you goes on a mission?" Sam inquired a bit irritated.

Tony rolls his eyes at him and smiles at you.

"Love you! HAVE FUN!" He yelled as you guys started to get on the quinjet. Tony ran into your shared bedroom and put on something more formal.

Tony was too excited while getting dressed. He was practically shaking with excitement. Steve couldn't help but laugh as the other man was running around.

"Anniversary?" Bucky asked from the other room. Steve nodded and sat next to his best friend.

Tony tightened his tie and looked in the mirror for the billionth time. He had everything planned out. When you came back from the mission, you would go back into your room. Inside he will be holding flowers, then more activities await.

He couldn't sit still. His leg tapped against the ground furiously. He was too nervous, and he never got nervous. Then he heard the quintet land.

He smiled, ready for you to walk through the door. His grin so wide and genuine, it made thanos cry.

He waited for about 30 minutes before Clint ran down the halls yelling in distress.

"Y/N'S BEEN INJURED! GET TO THE INFIRMARY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" He yelled running down the hall.

Tony jumped up from where he was sitting. He ran towards the infirmary, his breathing growing ragged as he did so. He finally got passed the hall, he saw the Avengers.

Steve saw him and tried to hold him back.

"Tony, calm down," Steve said trying to talk to him. Tony ignored him and tried to walk around the solider. The taller man stood in his way.

"Get out of my way, Rogers," He mumbled trying to get through.

"Tony I don't thi-," Tony again ignores the younger man's protests and pushed past him. He saw Rhodey standing by the door.

"James?" Tony murmured. Rhodey's head whips around to see his best friend. Rhodey wipes away his stray tears and gave Tony a look.

"Tony, I don't think you should go in there,"
Rhodey said. Tony glances at his friend.

"No, I gotta see her," Tony said and pushed past him as well. He finally was able to get a closer look at you. He felt like everyone just stopped. He stared at your barely breathing figure.

Cho and Bruce both working hard to keep you alive. Tony tried to go inside, but Rhodey was there.

"Rhodey move," Tony begged his friend. Rhodey shook his head, hating to see Tony this way. Tony shook his head and tears made their way down his cheeks.

He stopped fighting against Rhodey and tackled him into a hug. Rhodey hugs Tony back as he cries. Steve and Bucky gave each other a glance, feeling bad for him.

Tony cried softly against Rhodey's embrace. The sound of you coughing made him look up. Blood seeped through your suit. Bruce panicked as he tried to keep you breathing

"Come on Y/N," He growled and Cho helped him out greatly. She had gloves on, which were covered with your blood. She worked harder than ever before.

"Tony maybe you should go back to your room," Rhodey pleaded, not wanting him to go through this. Tony obeyed and walked with Rhodey back to his room. Tony cried softly at the edge of his bed. Rhodey noticed the flowers on the ground, and how his friend was dressed sharp.

"I'm so sorry Tony," Rhodey commented and walked away.

Time Skip to all the Avengers getting the happy ending they all deserve

Steve knocked onto Tony's door wearily. Tony looked up, his eyes red and raw from crying. He regains his composure and shakily stands up.

"How is she?"

"She's ok Tony," Steve replies causing Tony to let out the breath he's been holding. He leaves the flowers on the bed behind them and walks back to the medbay. Clint is talking to you while smiling. You snort at him and watch Tony walk in. Clint leaves you two alone.

"Oh god Y/N," He groaned out as his hand intertwined with yours. He sat next to you and kissed your forehead.

"Hey Tony," You reply smiling at him. He grins through tears. But then it goes away quickly.

"I should've been there.."

"Tony, stop. It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself," You reassure him and he shakes his head softly.

"Then who do I blame?"

"Me, it was my fault I almost got myself killed," Tony laughed quietly. His sad eyes found yours and they brightened.

"How could I ever blame you?"

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