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Requested by anonymous

Warnings: Cursing


"Sister, I don't think it's the greatest idea." Loki said as you rolled your eyes.

"Brother, I have to know how my friends are! I miss Steve, Sam, Bucky, Scott, Tony and Baby Parker!" You complained.

"She has a point Brother." Thor said encouraging you. You smiled kindly at him.

"Fine! But stay away from Stark." Loki growled and you chuckled. You kissed his cheek and hugged him.

Loki scoffed, but he hugged you back. You and Thor exchanged a tight hug and you were sent to earth.

Earth hadn't changed that much. It looked the same, of course. You walked into the tower and smiled.

Happy and Peter noticed you immediately.

"Hey Y/N!" Peter said and you smiled at the teen.

"You've grown since last time." You said putting your hand through his hair affectionately.

Peter chuckled and nodded.

"Where's Tony?" You asked and Happy pointed to the elevator.

"Go to the 16th floor. In his office." Happy said causing you to thank him.

Once in the 16th floor, you walked into Tony's office. He looked up at you, his eyes brightened.

"Y/N?" He asked and you nodded. You noticed how tired he looked. You looked around the room.

"Where's the others?" You asked and Tony's breath hitched. He stood up from his chair and leaned against his desk.

"The Avengers broke up." He said trying to avoid this conversation. This time your eyes widen, you were shocked such a thing could happen.

"What happened?" You asked. Tony sighed and looked up at you.

"We got into this stupid fight about the Accords. Making the Avengers choose sides. Then, right as I was going to help Steve......" Tony couldn't finish his sentence.

He felt his eyes brim with tears. You felt bad for the man. He was so broken and so, vulnerable.

"Bucky killed my parents." He finally croaked. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Smol Bean Bucky Barnes wouldn't hurt a fly.

Then it clicked.

But, the Winter Solider would.

You were going to talk to Tony about that later. It made sense the more you thought about it. Tony was angry that Steve kept this secret from him. He was blinded by rage and fought.

Although, Steve was trying to protect Bucky. Bucky, who was brainwashed. Who had to go through torture to become the Winter Solider.

"Tony." You didn't know what to say. You couldn't disagree with him. He'd just get more agitated.

Tony was leaning against his right hand, his gaze dropped to the floor as tears came down his cheeks.

You wrapped your arms around him, unsure what to do at this point. Tony tensed, But soon wrapped his arms around you.

Fuck Loki is going to kill you.

You kissed his cheek, but Tony moved so his lips came into contact with yours.


Tony deepened the kiss and pushed you against his desk. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

He pulled away and gave you a small smile. First One,  since the Civil War.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Loki yelled and came out of no where. Tony and you exchanged nervous looks and separated from each other quickly.

"STARK!" Loki said and you sent him a look. Loki narrowed his eyes at you and slowly backed out of the room.

Tony chuckled, a bit glad that Loki didn't kill him on the spot.

"How about we go out or something?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah, but let's sneak out so my dumb headed brother won't intervene." You said smirking. Tony nodded and pecked your lips once more.


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