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Requested by Piss_Off_Ghost11

#67: "Stop Being So Cute!"
#73: "Oh, are you ticklish?"

Warnings: Cursing, fluff?


Tony was the first one to wake up. He groaned and turned around in bed. He felt your warm figure beside him.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest. He traced his hand down your arm.

You chuckled and he raised a brow at you.

"Oh, are you ticklish?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. He tickled your sides and you tried to run away.

You ran out the door and ran into Steve.

"Steve help me!" You yelled and Steve stood protectively in front of you. Tony ran in and smirked at you.

"Excuse me." Tony said trying to push past Steve. You only smirked at Tony and he growled in annoyance.

You then ran out and Tony chased you again. You tried to find someone in the halls. You noticed a door open.

You ran in and noticed Wade Wilson. He was talking to Clint.

"Move!" You yelled and leaped under the bed. Tony then ran into the room and looked around.

"Did Y/N come in here?" He asked suspiciously. The men shook their heads. Tony narrowed his eyes at them and left the room.

Your waited a couple minutes before crawling out of the bed. You sent them a smile and peeked out the door.

You then felt someone tackle you. You screeched and Tony tickled your sides.

You chuckled and tried to push him off of you.

"Give in." He said and you shook your head.

"Never." You replied and Tony raised a brow. He picked up up and carried you bridal style towards the room.

"No, let me go." You said and Tony smirked. He shut the door behind him and set you on the bed.

"Are you ticklish?" You asked and Tony shook his head. You smirked and tackled the Billionaire.

Tony yelled as you started to tickle him. He held his laughter in and he gave you a look.

"Give in." You growled and he let his laughter out. His sweet laughter filling your ears. His mouth forming a wide smile.

You couldn't stop staring at him. He looked so adorable.

"Stop being so cute." You said and he pouted. You smiled and pecked his lips.

"Let's eat breakfast." He said and you nodded in agreement. He lead you to the kitchen.

Steve had already prepared food for you both. You thanked him and Steve only blushed.

"Thanks again, Steve." You said and kissed his cheek. Steve turned bright red and he nodded.

"Yeah, Thanks Steve." Tony said and gripped his fork tightly. He forced a piece of bacon into his mouth, glaring at Steve.

"So what are we going to do today?" You asked and Tony sighed. He checked his watch and smirked.

"Peter should be in here in 5,"

"4," You glanced at him and he chuckled.



"And 1," Peter raced in with his Iron Man pajamas on. He almost slipped onto the ground. He smiled and sat next to you.

"Good morning!" He said and you ruffled his hair. You slid a plate in front of him and Peter grinned.

He chowed down on his bacon and eggs quickly.

"No school today. Y/N can I bring Ned over?" He asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Tell Ned I said Hi." You said and Peter nodded happily. He quickly got his phone out and started to dial him.

He ran back into the living room.

You turned back to Tony who was cleaning the dishes. You smirked and placed your plate into the sink.

"Need help?" You asked and Tony nodded

"Yeah, thanks." He said grinning.

"Good." You said and walked away. Tony shrugged and did the rest of the dishes.

You sat on the couch and Tony sat next to you. He leaned his head on your shoulder. Natasha secretly took a picture.

"Black mail." She mouthed to Clint who smirked.

"Well I guess that's the end of this chapter!" Wade said and everyone turned to him.

"I'm sorry?" Clint asked.

"Yeah well, the reader is getting close to the end of this chapter." Wade said and turned back to the readers.

"Hopes you enjoyed this!" Wade said and everyone gave him weird looks. Steve turned to where Wade was looking at.

"What are you looking at?" Bucky asked and Wade merely sighed.

"The readers. Watch, say Hi Bucky!" Wade said and Bucky awkwardly turned towards the readers.

He waved and gave a small smile.

"Awesome." Wade said.

"Hi." Steve said peering over Bucky's shoulder. You and Tony gave each other weird looks.

"Bye." Wade said and Bucky waved. Steve did too.

"Do you guys see what he's seeing?" Clint asked and Bucky & Steve shook their head. Tony chuckled.

"Well let's hope someone out there saw you, or else we look like idiots."

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