The One Thing He Can't Live Without/Requested

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Requested by GradeARecycableTrash

Warnings: Cursing, Angst?

#26: "I'm dying."

(^^^Ya'll know it's going to be some depressing shit.)


Tony was pacing around his room, waiting for you to get home. He was fucking panicking.

You've been leaving at a certain time every night and he didn't enjoy the anxiety filled nights when you weren't there.

He suspected you left at 12:00 AM and came back around 2 am.

He waited and waited in the living room for you. His fingers fiddled together nervously.

He finally heard your hurried footsteps. You were trying to hurry back into Tony's room.

"Where you going?" Tony asked and you froze.


"Y/N, Where did you go?" Tony asked, making you clench your jaw.

"Nowhere." You said and he rolled his eyes.

"Y/N, I know you sneak out all the time! Are you, cheating on me?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No, I swear I'm not cheating on you." You said as you noticed his depressing state. You hung your head and sighed.

"Tony, it's just tha—,"

"No, it's ok.  If you're cheating on me, just tell me!"

"No, Tony I—,"

"I mean I—,"

"Tony, I'm dying." You said quickly and he faced you.

"What?" He asked, you bit your lower lip. He walked towards you warily.

Tony held your hand now as he stared at you. You felt the tears come down your cheeks. Tony hugged you tightly.

"I've been diagnosed with terminal cancer." You said through sobs. Tony stared at you in disbelief.

He instantly wrapped his arms around you. He held you close

"We'll get through this." He said and kissed your cheek.

"I promise."


Tony finally got back from a long mission. He hated being separated from you for a long time.

He grinned, excited that he was finally going to see you again.

He exited the elevator and saw everyone talking to each other in the living room. He walked closer and Steve saw him.

"Hey Tony." Steve said, his voice laced with pity.

Nat was staring at the wall behind Clint. Clint was looking at his hands. He wiped his nose with his sleeve.

He sent them each a grin and walked closer to the couch. Bruce was trying to comfort Thor who was crying. Loki pretended not to be fazed by anything.

"Tony, lets talk in your room." Steve said and went to the older man's room.

Steve shut the door behind them and sighed.

"Tony, Y/N was sent to the hospital yesterday." Steve explained and Tony's grin went away.

"What, is she ok?" He asked worriedly. Steve nervously looked at him and put a sympathetic arm on his shoulder.

The look Steve was giving him wasn't one he enjoyed. The look of pity and sorrow. Tony knew something was up, he grew more nervous.

"She died an hour ago, Tony." Tony froze and bit his lower lip. Tears made their way down his cheeks.

"I'll leave you alone." Steve said quietly and went back to the living room. Tony sat down onto his bed.

He sobbed into his pillow, He refused to believe you were gone. He cried harder as the news sinked in.

He lost the one thing he couldn't live without.


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