"We Are Not Dating!"/Bucky Barnes!Sister Reader

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You cracked an eye open and smirked. You checked the time and made your way towards Tony's room.

This was basically the only time you could see Tony. You and him had to keep your relationship Low key. Or else, Bucky would freak.

Steve and Bucky were like Your over protective brothers. Bucky biologically, of course. You actually fell for Tony when Civil War happened.

Tony fell for you before that. Luckily, Civil War was resolved by Tony and Steve talking. They both apologized and Tony was able to talk to your brother.

So things worked out well in the end.

You found Tony's door and did your secret knock. Tony opened it and pulled you inside.

"I missed you." Tony said and whined. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"How long do we have?" Tony asked.

"At the most, ten minutes." You said and sat onto the bed next to him. He sighed and planted a kiss onto your cheek.

His arms engulfed you into a hug.

"This sucks. We should just tell the team." You said and Tony shook his head.

"No Bucky would kill me. And we were both starting to like each other." Tony said and you sighed.

"Man my ten minutes are up." You said and Tony pouted. You rolled your eyes and pecked his lips.

You quickly walked out of the bedroom and made your way towards yours. You quickly slipped in and fell onto the bed, letting sleep take over you.


"Y/N!" Bucky yelled and you groaned in annoyance. You heard him banging on the door.

You quickly got up and opened the door. You wouldn't want a repeat of last time.

"Wow. Your early." Bucky said and chuckled. Your rolled your eyes.

"Well I wouldn't want what happened last time to happen again." You said and You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Hey that was one time. And besides you're overreacting."

"YOU LITERALLY GAVE ME A BLACK EYE." You said and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Come on, I threw something really light it shouldn't have hurt you."


Bucky parted his lips and bit his lower lip.

"Technically it was Steve, but I asked him to, so.." He said and he smiled. You rolled your eyes.

You walked out with Your Spiderman Pajamas on. Peter gave them to you as a gift. You walked into the dining room and saw the Avengers.

Steve and Bucky were talking and laughing as always in the corner. Natasha and Clint were bickering but made eye contact at you and Tony.

Tony was in the kitchen trying to make breakfast. Vision of course also helped, but Bruce put him in timeout when Vision accidentally cracked an egg on Tony's head.

Wanda was comforting him as he sat in the corner. You retreated for the couch, two smirking assassins followed You.

Bucky and Steve listened from afar.

"So, Y/N, Do you and Tony have any pet names for each other?" Clint asked smiling widely. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"That's impossible cause they aren't dating, Right." Bucky said giving you the Winter Soldier glare.

You nodded and you could've swore you heard Tony curse. Clint rolled his eyes as Natasha scoffed.

"Yeah, ok, sure."

"Clint. I swear we aren't dating. I hate Tony." You said firmly and Clint rolled his eyes. You bit your lower lip angrily.

"WE AREN'T DATING!" You yelled and Tony nodded in agreement with you. He got back to his cooking. He struggled to make pancakes.

"Ok. Sorry." Clint said and sat back down. Then Natasha gave him a smirk.

"Hey, Y/N. What's Winnie the Pooh's favorite food?" Clint asked examining you.

"You watch Winnie the Pooh?" You asked as Steve and Bucky snickered.

"That's besides the point!" Clint said and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What is Winnie the Pooh's favorite food?" Clint repeated once more and you heard Nat chuckle.

"Honey." You said and Natasha meant closer to you. She put her ear out and gave you a weird look.

"Sorry I can't hear you." She said and you furrowed your brows together.

"Honey!" You said a bit louder. Clint knelt closer this time and you began to get pissed.

"Sorry, What was that?" He asked waiting for you to get pissed again.

"I said. HONEY!" You growled and gave them glares. Nothing happened for a few seconds and they gave each other a worried look.


"Yeah, Babe." Tony's voice echoed. Your eyes widen and you glare at the two Assassins. Tony tensed and Bucky looked at you.

Natasha and Clint began to smirk and exchange a look. Steve raised a brow and looked at you.

"Wait. Did you ju-," Bucky was trailed off and started glaring at Tony. He pulled his sleeves up and scowled at him.

"Barnes, I can explain." Tony said nervously and you looked at them both.

"Bucky calm down." You said and your brother glanced at you.

"Him. Really?!" He asked pointing a finger at Tony. You nodded as Tony gave him an offended look.

"Son, just don't." You said to Tony who was about to speak up. Steve chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Bucky and Tony stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Bucky narrowed his eyes at Tony.

"You son of a-,"


"Not now Steve!" Bucky's growled and looked back at Tony.

"Look, all we did was kiss once." He tried to explain.

"*cough* Sure." Clint said and you glared at him. Bucky furiously scoffed.

"Hey, you killed my parents." Tony said bringing anything up at this time. You gave him a look and slapped his chest.

"What?" He asked and you chuckled. Tony smiled at you. Bucky looked at you two smiling at each other.

His expression softened as Tony wrapped an arm around you and he gave you a smile. Bucky could see the love in Tony's eyes.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this." He growled and looked back up at you two. Tony and you exchanged a nervous glance.

"I'm fine with it. But if you so Dare as hurt her, Stark. I will kill you." Bucky said and Tony nodded.

"I would never." He said and pecked your cheek. You chuckled and smiled at your brother.

"Thanks Buck." You said and he engulfed You into a hug.

"And besides you kind of owe me for throwing your Metal arm at me." Bucky sighed in annoyance.


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