I'm Only Human

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I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue. I can stay away for days, if that's What you want. Be your number one.

Tony felt panic erupt from his chest. He clenched the sheets and gasped. He turned to see if you were there next to him. Then he remembered.

Civil War.

You had chosen and agreed with Steve.

I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh. I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask. Give you all I am.

He gulped at the memory of you going to Steve's side. Now he had no one. He put his face into his hands.

He felt the tears come down his cheeks he sniffled.

I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. But I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.

"Did you know?" He had asked a month ago. Tony clutched his chest at the memory. Tears coming down his cheeks.

The video of Bucky killing his parents still danced into his mind.

I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You built me up and then I fall apart.

"Yes." Steve had said. Tony remembered and heard the words replay in his head every time. He remembered you were standing in silence at Steve's side. Tony's breathing fastened.

Cause I'm only human.

He sobbed into his pillow and tried to forget he awful memory. The fight was horrible. He remembered the blood. The bruises. The fists thrown. The......

He cried at the thought and tried to block those thoughts out.

I can turn it on. Be a good machine. I can hold the weight of worlds, if that's what you need. Be your everything.

"Tony stop. It wasn't his fault." You yelled. Tony growled and rolled his eyes in anger.

"I don't care. He killed my mom." He said as his voice cracked.

You were fighting alongside Steve and Bucky. The fight was going just fine for Tony. Then he blasted Bucky's arm off. He saw the anger in Steve's eyes.

He was afraid, he saw the worry in your eyes as Steve charged at him.

I can do it. I can do it. I'll get through it. But I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.

You had tried to hold Steve back and to reason with him. But Steve ignored and went for Tony.

You understood the anger he was feeling. But he was going to kill him. You watched in horror as Steve pinned Tony to the ground.

He punched him multiple times, each time harder than the last.

Finally, Steve had punched Tony hard enough to the point where his mask came off.

His shield held high over his head.

I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You built me up and then I fall apart.

"Steve No!" You yelled. Steve brought his shield down forcefully and crashed it against Tony's suit. Tony's Arc cracked and malfunctioned the suit.

Then Steve went to punch Tony again.

Cause I'm only human.

Tony felt the blood drip from his lips and face. He tried to block Steve's fists but couldn't. Steve was enraged.

Bucky struggled to stand as you clenched your fists.

I'm only human. I'm only human. Just a little human.

You pushed Steve off of Tony. Steve growled and threw his shield at you out of anger. It hit your stomach hard and pinned you to the wall.

The shield was deep into you. You felt blood drip from your mouth. Your ribs hurt. You saw the massive cut Steve had made with the force of his shield.

I can take so much. Till I've had enough.

Tony's eyes widen with anger. He blasted Steve off of him. He punched him in the jaw. Tony continued to punch Steve in the face. Blood splattered everywhere.

You struggled to get out. Tony soon raced towards you and helped you up.

Cause I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.

Tony used all his strength to try and pry the shield off of you. It was wedged into you. Steve had tears coming out of his eyes.

"Y/N I'm so sorry." Steve said. You smiled kindly at him but winced.

"It's fine Rogers." You said and coughed out blood. Tony had tears coming out of his eyes.

I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart.

Steve finally got his shield out of you. Your legs wobbled and you fell to the ground as Tony caught you. He held you in his arms, against his chest as he sobbed.

Steve helped Bucky up and cried softly. Tony kissed your forehead as your body went limp. His heart clenched with anger.

You built me up and then I fall apart.

Tony looked up at Steve in anger.

"That shield doesn't belong to you. My father made it." He growled angrily. Their was a blaze in his eyes.

Cause I'm only human.

Steve dropped the blood soaked shield to the ground and left the facility.

Leaving Tony to clutch your dead body as he sobbed.

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