Don't Move/Requested

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Requested by AzaleaLennox

Warnings: Cursing, and pure fluff


"IM FINE," You yell before you vomit into the toilet again. Steve rolls his eyes, holding your hair in a makeshift pony tail, making sure you were ok.

"Uh huh, just let it out," Steve encourages rubbing your back soothingly. You glare at your brother as you finally are able to slow your breaths.

"I hate you," You whine and flush the toilet. You reach for your tooth brush and lather it in toothpaste. You start brushing your teeth as Steve helps you up to your feet. After fully brushing them and your breath smelled nice, you turned to Steve.

"I'm fine," You say exhausted. Steve rolls his eyes and puts his hand against your forehead and cheek. He gives you the concerned mom look and shakes his head.

"We're gonna get you to bed," He says and you shake your head.

"I'm fine!" You repeat like a child.

"No you ar-," He's interrupted by Clint yelling from downstairs.

"Guys ! We have a mission!" Steve sent you a stern look and you ignored. You walked passed him, only for him to grab your arm.

"Take some medicine at least," He begs with his concerned expression. You give in and down the pill, and walk downstairs. Each step making you more nauseas. 

"Ok perfect you guys ca- What the hell?! Y/N are you ok?" Clint said, getting into his fatherly mode. He leant forwards, his hand pressing against your face. "You're heating up, I'll tell Tony you can't come."

"No!" You shriek, if Tony found out. Dear lord. Hell will break loose. Bucky raises a brow at your outburst. "If Tony finds out, I will end up having twenty doctors trying to diagnose me."

Natasha snorts and nods in agreement. Clint frowned but nodded.

"What's got you so sick?" Clint asked worried. You shrug and Sam laughs.

"It's probably cause of the food you and Bucky ate yesterday. Told you both that shit was gonna give you food poisoning," Sam replies causing Bucky to give him an offended look.

"First of all, Bucky's not throwing up. Secondly, that food was delicious," You retort and Sam rolls his eyes. Steve crosses his arms, and shook his head at his teammates.

"Hey guys!" Peter's voice piped up, behind him was your loving boyfriend himself. Peter frowned and looked you up and down.

"Miss Y/N, are you ok? You look pale," As those words left Peter's mouth, Tony's face whipped up towards you. He was automatically walking closer to you.

You sent Peter a soft glare, in return he gave a sheepish smile.

"Are you ok? Do you feel fine? What happened?! Did someone hurt you? I swear to fucking hell if someone touched you!" Tony babbled clearly concerned.

Clint and Steve laughed as he ranted. Bucky and Sam watched clearly amused. You groaned in annoyance and Tony stopped. He backed up and a pain expression was on his face. You realized how rude you sounded quickly.

"I'm sorry Tony, you're just so cute when you ramble," You say smiling softly. Tony chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Sorry, I'm just concerned," He replied and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Don't apologize for being worried," You said and leaned up to peck his lips. Tony blocked your mouth with his palm.

"You're sick remember?" He teased and you glared at him.

"Fuck you,"

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