Truth Or Dare/Cast

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Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Jeremy Renner, You, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, and Tom

All your cast members sat in a circle. Some drunk some sober.

Team Drunk: Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Evans

Team Sober: Robert Downey Jr, You, and Scarlett Johansson

And Finally

Team Tom: Tom Hiddleston and Tom Holland, who are drinking Tea in the corner.

"Ok Guys Ready?" You asked your team members. Robert nodded and smirked.

"Ok Truth or Dare.... Chris Evans." You said smirking. Chris gives you a sloppy smirk.

"Dare." He slurred and smiled at you.

"I dare you to kiss Chris Hemsworth." You said smirking. Robert laughed and smirked. Chris shrugged and kissed Hemsworth.

"Ok." Chris said once he separated from Hemsworth. He eyed Robert and smirked.

"Robert. Truth. Or. Dare.?" Chris said. Robert narrowed his eyes at Evans. Robert un hooked his tux and smirked.

"Dare." Robert said.

"I dare you to make out with the hottest person here." Chris said slurring. Robert rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Do you guys have to stare?" Robert asked annoyed. Chris rolled his eyes and closed them. Everyone did the same.

You closed your eyes as well. I wonder who Roberts going to-

Then you felt a warm pair of lips on yours. You wrap your arms around the persons neck instinctively.

Robert internally groaned and moved his mouth against yours.

"Will you kiss someone already." Tom Holland said annoyed. Robert rolled his eyes and stared into yours.

Robert quickly sat back into his seat. Everyone opened their eyes to see Robert innocently sitting down next to Scarlett.

"Who'd you kiss?" Renner asked as he sipped from his bottle.

"Not telling. Wasn't apart of the dare." Robert teased. Chris H. groaned in annoyance.

"Ok, Tom." Robert said. Both Toms look up.

"Holland." Robert corrected and Hiddelston let out a sigh of relief. Holland looked at Robert with nervous eyes.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Holland said. Robert raised a brow and smirked.

"Fuck Marry Kill. Y/N, Scarlett, or Chris Evans." Robert said and you chuckled.

Tom's face went red and he looked at his feet.

"I'd Marry Scarlett. Kill Chris, and Fuck Y/N. Sorry." He said, quickly apologizing.

You sent him a smile and you glared at Robert who was laughing. Tom Holland's ears went red. Robert laughed harder.

"Calm down Grandpa, don't want you getting a heart attack." You sassed. Robert stopped laughing and glared at you. His smile turning into a smirk.

"Grandpa huh, I prefer Daddy." He teased. Hiddleston quickly covered Holland's ears. You quirked a brow.

"True. You are about my fathers age." You sassed back. Robert rolled his eyes.

"Funny. That's not what you said last night." Robert commented making Renner laugh loudly.

Truth or Dare was officially over.

The Comeback (with some sass) competition has begun

Robert smirked waiting for your comeback.

"Funny. I didn't orgasm once." You said back smirking. Roberts eyes widen and they darkened. Shit was going  to get real.

"I think you fail to remember you yelling out my name." Robert said and walked closer to you.

The rest of the cast backed up. Except Scarlett. She just watched, an amused look on her face.

"They haven't even had sex." Scarlett whispered into Hiddleston's ear. "Just some playful banter." She added.

You stepped closer to him and narrowed your eyes.

"Really?! Because I was yelling out loud because of your small tic tax sized Di-,"

"Don't you dare bring my dick into this." Robert said glaring at you.

You chuckled darkly and stepped closer to him. Your lips inches apart from his.

"I just did." You said a smirk rising onto your slips. Robert's eyes flickered to your lips.

"How about you test that theory." He said and pushed his lips against yours.  Audible gasps were heard.

You quickly separated from him. Robert gives you and the cast a weird look.

"What?" He asked. You gave him a glare and stared at him. Roberts face went from happy to nervous in a second.

"What did I do?" He asked again.

"Your like 20 years older than her dude." Renner said drinking his beer. Robert nodded and understood. You were 33 and he was 53. His eyes widened.

"Oh. Shit. I'm sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He gave you a sad smile and looked at the cast.

They all stared at him awestruck at what he did. You felt bad for him, the truth was you did like him a bit.

His face turning red from embarrassment. He couldn't joke his way out of this one. He stuck his hands into his pockets and kept his head down.

He looked at his feet. You rolled your eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. Robert looked up at you, his eyes watering.

The cast sigh and look for your reaction. You pushed your lips against his and wrapped your arms around his neck. The cast smile as Renner whoops, drunkily.

Robert happily kisses back and wraps his arms around your waist. You smile and separate.

"Come on." You said and lead him to your bedroom. Robert gave the cast a wink before he was gone.

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