Chapter 2

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      The snow was falling a little more now as Raph was sitting there in the office with Donnie as Don was on the computers like always trying to find the right mix for the new viruses that was infecting mutants these last three years. Raph was in his chair playing with his little knife he would always carry around with him since he would sometimes get in most fights. " How is the search going Donnie?"
    Donnie typed a little more than signed as he took his glasses off and turned to Raph. " What do you think Raph... It's rare for a mutant to get this but its very deadly... If we had someone that was infected with it I could probably get the right files and make the cure in at least three months..."
    Raph looked to Donnie completely bored as he then stood up. " Should I go hunt some sick mutants then?"
    " No Raph... The last thing you need is to get in trouble with father again with him having to pay for rather a damaged place that you made or bail you out of jail again..." Donnie said as he stood up too and went to his main desk. " And last I checked father wants you in this building till I head home..."
     Raph grunted crossing his arms while he said as if pouting a little. " It's not my fault that someone punched me first..."
     " No, but it is your fault because you were talking shit about them... Like you always do when drinking at a bar... If you keep this up Raph father will have you stay in jail I hope you know." 
     " Yeah... Like he is going to let me is the oldest and strongest son to rot in jail." then the doors opened as Saki was there walking in while Raph tensed up as Donnie said. " morning father. "
    " morning Donatello... Raphael. I hope for your sake your not leaving this place today making more rubble for me." Raph straightens his arms and bowed his head. " No father..."
    "Good. Donatello doesn't forget the meeting you have in an hour and make sure Raphael is not in the room this time."
    " Yes, father. " Saki then turns to leave as Raph stood up straight and frowned as soon as his father was gone. " What did I do in the last meaning?"
    " Someone was talking to me at how it was a bad idea to make this cure... You attacked him for insulting me remember?" Donnie said as if he was looking at Raph like he was an idiot.
    " what? No one is insulting my little brother... You are way smarter then them!" Raph said mad while Donnie then looked to Raph and watched him walk to the door as if mad. " Wait Raph father said not to-"
    " I'm not leaving this stupid building..." he then closed and door with a slight slam and walked over to the staircases walking down a few steps so he then sits on the stairs and signs putting a hand in the pocket of his suit.
    Raph pulled out a pack of cigarets and got one out placing to his lips putting the pack in his pockets again and went to get his lighter from the back pockets. He spun the part on the lighter as the fire started and the flames went to the tip of the cigarette as he then blew in making the smoke start go in his mouth.
    He removed the cigarette to his mouth and blower it out while he then placed the cigarette to his lips again and leaned back as he laid there in the stairs looking at the ceiling. ' Father sees me as a useless person... I am trying to do is watch over my brother and I get in trouble for it... I'm tired of this bullshit!'
     Raph closes his eyes and moved the cigarette again to blow the smock out as he got an arm under his head. He closed his eyes and soon sat up getting his cigarette out and then stood up opening his green eyes while he then started down the stairs. " I'm getting out of this hell..."
     As he was getting to the fourth floor as he then came out of the staircase and went right to the elevator pressing the lobby button. There was an LB2 button as it was off limits to almost everyone but Raph knew it was where the labs where were Donnie and the other scientist worked.
    But Raph never bothered as he went out of the elevator as they opened and headed to the exit of the building. He walked out not caring about not wearing anything for winter as he walked out and away from the place.
    The snow would stick to the bottom of his pants as he kept walking to a few blocks where a bar was. It took him 30 minutes as he got in the bar and went to sit as a bartender came over while she was a mutated fox as she said. " Walking out in the snow like that? You can get sick."
    " Yeah, something that would be interesting to happen. now go get me vodka with ice..." she didn't say anything more and went to get him a short glass with vodka and ice as he grabbed it and started to drink. ' father is a man not to fuck with... But what is it with him lately... since this company of ours hits off he acted like he was on a revenge... '
   Raph then looked a little around as he saw one of his friends coming in as he turned and said with an arm up. " Slash!"
    As his friend Slash that was another turtle but more bigger and had a few spikes on him. But he was a softy to animals that Raph found it funny but didn't really care as Slash came to him and sat. " aren't you supposed to be at home arrest from your dad?"
    " Fuck him... I'm feeling too isolated there right know..." Raph said as he grabbed his drink and gulped it done. " You really want to get on your dad's nerves... Better be careful I have heard he is not too happy with you to know these days..."
    Slash was one of the mutates that was working under Raph's father but Slash would tell Raph anything about what could secretly go on.

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