Chapter 36

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    Raph was out in the field today where others would work out, play sports or just to chat. It was three days since Mikey visited Raph as Raph kept hold of Leo's ring in his pockets.
    But he was just standing there against the fence as his hands were to his pockets as his right hand was flipping and messing with the ring. His face was looking low when the sky's clouds were getting gray and a few men started to head inside.
    But Raph just stood there looking to the ground as the clouds started to then have some raindrops. He didn't move to feel the rain then got more on him as it was slowly making his clothes soak.
    He closed his eyes and leaned his face back up but lets the rain falling to his face. He felt it was feeling good but it was not helping his pain from his heart since that was keeping his leg not hurt as much. " Raph!"
    He opened his eyes and looked over to a guard as he stood there while the guard said. " Got a visited today."
     Raph started to the guard and walks to him as the guard showed him the way. But while they walked Raph saw that they were walking away from the public visitor rooms as he looked to the guard. " Where are we going? I thought I had a visitor?"
    " you do. But they wanted to be in a private room." Raph stopped right there was the guard looked to him confided. " Then it's probably my dad and I am not going to see him."
    The guard looked to Raph. " he looks the same age as you Raph and he is a turtle too."
    Raph looked down as he thought to himself as the guard waited for him. ' then it could be Donnie... But what would he want?'
   So Raph walked again as he got one hand out of his pocket while his right hand was still in as his left hand was messing with the ring again. It took him a little but he got to a door as he looked at it then he turned to the guard as he was just standing there. " well go in..."
    Raph looked at the door again and went grabbing the door handle turning it. He started to push it as he opened it but he heard talking and he widened his eyes as he opened it more while he saw Leo standing there as he was on the phone while his back was facing Raph. " I know but I said I am taking today off... Because I am taking care of something important to me... Yes, I will call you tomorrow... Thank you bye."
    Raph looked at Leo as his eyes started to tear up as he leaned his back to the wall getting Leo's attention turning to look at seeing Raph there. Leo put on a smile and went over to Raph as he hugged him fast.
    Raph looked ahead of himself looking at the wall as Leo said keeping his arms around Raph. " Raph..."
     Raph slides to the ground as also went down with him and looked to Raph as he saw he was in complete shock. So Leo got Raph's hands and looked at each other as Raph's tears started to come more out. " I still needed to keep a promise for you Raph..."
    Then he kissed Raph as it took Raph a seconds but got his arms around Leo and kissed back as he and Leo held each other. Leo moves his hands to Raph's chest and pulled away looking right to Raph's eyes as Leo spoke. " Why you so surprised to see me... Your acting like I did die... And so that a scar on your cheek!"
    Raph grabbed Leo's hands as he said looking at Leo as his heart was beating fast. " yeah I got it from my dad when I was in jail... But I thought that you did... Mikey came over three days ago and gave me your ring..."
    "What! He didn't tell you that I said to be strong and that I was well!" Leo said looking at Raph as if frustrated. " No... He just said you would want someone to hold onto your ring..."
    Leo frowned a little as he then said. " Mikey... But you are safe to know Raph..."
    Raph looked confused as he then felt Leo's hands on his cheeks. " My father is bailing you out right now... And we got your father to let you two free..."
    Leo hugged Raph again as he had his face under Raph's chin while saying more. " Donnie moved in with Mikey... And your things are at our new place..."
    Raph looked to Leo as he grabbed his face looking at him. " Please tell me I'm not dreaming... Because I don't want to wake up if I am..."
    Leo laughed low at Raph and leaned to Raph's hand and closed his eyes. " Your not... Now let's get you out of here..."
    " But..." Leo opened his eyes and looked to Raph. " What happened at the hospital... Did they do the surgery on you..."
    Leo shacked his head and smiled as he got his forehead to Raph's. " No... Once they got me in the second surgery room. They were about to do the surgery... Till I woken up... I heard you yelling for me to wake up Raph."
    Leo started to tear up and looked to Raph. " You saved me Raph... I am grateful that you did... Because I didn't want to die yet. Not when I have you waiting for me to wake up..."
    Raph teared up too and smiled at Leo as Leo then got up and reached his arm out. "Let's go home Raph."

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