Chapter 40

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     The next morning Leo left and Donnie then soon arrived as Raph looked not too pleased right know as Donnie then came over to the living room as Raph asked following with his wrapped up arm while his cane made a light noise of letting Donnie know that he was behind him. " you been here before I guess..."
    " Yeah, Leo had us all work on this place. I helped with his office and Mikey made the rooms while Splinter got the kitchen and your workout room." Raph looked to him and sat down as he sat getting the cane to his laps. " Donnie, why are you really here?"
    " Got a call from Leo... I just want to take some test Raph... That's all." Donnie said as he saw Raph look very unpleasant. " Ah! Come on I told Leo I am not depressed! "
    Donnie looked at Raph then at his leg as Raph was wearing pants. " How is the pain on your leg?"
    Raph looked at his leg and rubbed it while saying not keeping eye contact with his little brother. " Like hell... "
    " you have been staying off of it some days?"
    " Like I can Donnie... You know I don't like staying still too long..." Raph said mad looking to Donnie.
    Donnie signed and said as he looked at his phone and started to type something. " let me see your leg..."
    Raph grunted but sat more on the couch and let Donnie roll up the pants and looked at it while he started to use his fingers to see if he could find something wrong. Raph closed his eyes feeling the pain a little up to the knee as Donnie tired to feel around it. " it could be nothing but I want you to get a doctors appointment... In the meantime, I will make you some pain medicine and give them to Leo... Also, try not to take to much of them they could get you addicted to them."
    " like hell, I'm taking pills..." Raph said not looking too thrilled on pills. " Raph for once just listen and take them okay... And try not to cut again. That really scared Leo. "
    Donnie then got up and started to write down what he was going to make then started to the door and yelled before closing the door. " And no more workouts!"

~ ~ ~
    Leo was in his office signing aa his head as on the desk trying to focus on the meeting starting soon but his head was so focused on Raph as it did scare the hell out of him sending that Raph was cutting all of a sudden. Leo had his eyes closed when then he heard his door open while he looked up opening his eyes seeing Donnie there placing two pill bottles on his desk. " This is for Raph's pain... And this is for him to sleep... He won't take them early so you will have to make something for him to eat and place the sleeping pills in also for dinner so he can sleep."
    Leo looks at the pills and looks at them while he asked holding the sleeping pills. " How much should I give him to sleep?"
    " one... They are a little strong so he will sleep for at least three hours." Donnie said as he then sat at the chair watching Leo as he waited if Leo asks more questions.
    Leo then looked at the painkillers as he widened his eyes and looked to Donnie. " Vicodin!"
    Donnie nods slowly as he placed a hand to his face. " He is in a lot of pain... He needs to make a doctor appointment to get an x-ray on his right knee..."
    " But won't he get in trouble taking these pills without a prescribed doctor?" Leo asked Donnie worried as Donnie took out a card showed to Leo as he took it and saw he had a medical license to give others pills if needed. " he is my older brother and I got all different licenses so I could help him as best I could..."
    Leo looked at the license giving it back to Donnie and leaned back to his chair.  " Raph is worrying me, Donnie..."
    " I know... But if he gets the x-ray and finds what's making his leg hurt bad then he could be back to normal in a few months. " Donnie said as Mikey then came in getting their both attention. " Hey, Leo the meeting is about to start..."
    " Okay, thank Mikey... " Leo then got the two bottles and placed them in his bag as he got up and headed to the door as Donnie followed.
    Leo got to the elevator and watched the two as he saw Donnie looking worried too as Mikey stood by him talking. Leo crossed his arms and leaned to the wall as he was heading to the meeting as he thought about Raph again and hoping to not see him cutting again.
    The doors were opening as Leo opened his eyes to look forward but to see someone came running in fast as Leo moved out of the way fast using his hand to block the persons attack that had a knife in it. Then Leo ran to the exit of the elevator as he then got his hand to hit the emergency button in the elevator as then Leo turned to the person as he saw it was a mutant lizard while it got something out of its hands and threw it out of the elevator in time before the doors closed as Leo saw it looks like a hand grenade and yelled out.  " get down!"
    Everyone did as Leo yelled while covered his eye when then it blows up and ever one yelled trying to protect themselves.

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