Chapter 79

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     Raph was taken to another cabin where the wolves shifters were staying as Raph was sitting there in a hard wooden chair. He was sitting there with these sharp hard ropes around his arms and his legs to the chairs legs so if he moved too much it would scratch or cut his skin easily since they took off his jacket so he would get cut if he moved. Raph would not say a thing even if it was so he could eat or drink but he just kept looking to the ground while his eyes would not stop tearing making his eyes swollen a little.
    His arms and wrists were already cut up from trying to get free to kick their asses when they first got him there but that was about 6 hours ago. The whole 6 hours the shifters waited for the boss to come back as the two took turns watching Raph thinking he was playing like this to get their guard down and escaped but that was the opposite of what Raph wanted.
     While sitting there he opened his eyes looking slightly up to see the next shifter as he said to the one guarding already. " Hey man its almost time for you to head out."
     " How long do we have to keep him here?" the one guarding said as the other answered. " Till he signs thighs papers... It's our passed away bosses orders."
    Raph smiled and started to laugh getting their attention as Raph leaned his head back closing his eyes. " You kill my family and expect me to go and just sign away like a helpless pathetic loser..."
    They looked to Raph as to them he sounded a little off like he was slowly going crazy. " Well, that's what you're going to have to do or you're going to die here."
    Raph opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. " Death? Ha, don't make me laugh... "
    Raph looked at the men as if they looked almost intimidated. " I have been waiting for death all my life before I met my husband. You think knives or guns could scar me then or know... I would rather be with my family then here with you disgusted wolves."
      Then the boss of the group came in as Raph looked right at that man while he looked at the two then Raph seeing his arms. " He was trying to escape?"
    " yeah... He stopped about an hour ago..." the one on guard said getting up as the boss came over and looked right at Raph's face. " Sign the papers."
    " Fuck you..." Raph said then spate in his face while the boss backed up fast looking disgusted while whipping it off his left eye. When one then came as he whispered in his ear making Raph look at them with a smirked. " So your not afraid of dying hm?'
    Raph didn't answer as the man grabbed a blade from one of the other two shifters as he came over to Raph and quickly jammed the blade to Raph's side. The blade went all the way in making Raph's hands clenched hard and he leaned his head forward ground his teeth to not show how painful it felt.
     The man then backed up as he soon saw that he hit something in the body as blood started to come out of Raph's mouth. But to all three of their surprise, Raph laughed and looked at them again with the blood coming out of his mouth still. " that all... You go..."
     The man snapped his fingers as he said making Raph keep smirked. " I guess we have to do this the hard way... Get him on only the ropes... And leave that blade in him it will be effective. "
     As he left the room the two got him to the floor by pushing the chair over making Raph slam to the ground hard as one shifted to a wolf growling at Raph while he laid there letting them do what they were ordered to do. " You guys are pathetic... You act like you take pleasure in this... But I can tell your... rookies."
    The one in his human forum got mad and grabbed the blades handle and twisted it a little making Raph grunt hard trying to hold the pain in again. Then the man laughed as he said holding the blade still twisting it. " We might be rookies but we are not the one tied to a chair are we?"
      Raph didn't say a word still grunting as the man lets the handle go then to have Raph in the ropes raping his chest area and his wrists behind Raph's back still. They got him up and started to shove Raph to the door while they three walked out and went over to the man as the sun was coming up.
    Once Raph was to the boss they forced him hard all the way to the ground as he felt the cold ice already making him cold enough to want to get back up shivering. But the boss placed his shoe on Raph's side face making sure he was seeing the car and staying there in the ground of snow. " Alright, let's start this fun."
    The two nod and went to the car for as soon as one opened the door Raph was seeing till his eyes went as big as it could get as it showed the man pull Kiru out getting on her knees as he had her hands tied to her back with some cloth over her mouth. But she kept her eyes closed this whole time while Raph had tears fall as he yelled. " Kiru!"
     She opened her eyes fast as she saw Raph and tried to get up to run to him but then the man that got her pushed her back down as she looked to him with tears trying to get her hand free But then they got her into something that was wrapped around her arms and stomach so if she shifted it would go right to her size and still keep her tied up.
    Then the other man came out dragging Leo's body over by Kiru as it showed him all drused up with cuts as Raph tried to get up but the man hit his face hard with his shoe again keeping him down. " he was a fighter I will give him that. He almost got away from us with the kid... but as you could tell we got them back and kicked his ass for making that stupid mistake. "

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