Chapter 7

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      That night Leo was silent the rest of our day as he was getting ready to leave as Raph was standing at the office's door. Leo looked to him and felt annoyed as he said: " go home Raph your shift it over..."
    " No, I am to watch you till you are either in that limo or I will be walking you home. " Leo signed and had his light pink cheeks on as he then started to get his bag and walked out passing Raph while then Raph closed the office door and they both got to the elevator as they stood there while Leo pressed the lobby button.
    As they started to move down Leo tried to keep his eyes from Raph but as he did look he watched Raph just stand there as he then looked a little down like he was checking him out.
    But as soon as Raph looked to him Leo turned his face back fast as Raph said making Leo jump a little. " What?"
   Leo tried to think fast as he then remembered that Raph was looking like he was favoring his right leg lately. " I was wondering if you're okay?"
     " Why would I not be?" Leo then actually looked at him with his light pink cheeks. " Because noticed you're favoring your right leg a little lately..."
    Raph looked at him then at his leg as he said while he looked at the door crossing his arms. " It's not a big deal."
    " What happened?" Leo asked as Raph then signed and he said tilting his head a little as if a little annoyed. " When I was a kid my leg broke badly... It healed but I still can feel it hurt sometimes... I hurt it today because I landed on my knees when falling on you."
    Leo felt a little bad as he looked down. " I'm sorry... But if you were going to hurt why land on your knees?"
   " Your the CEO you can't get hurt..." Leo felt his heart beat a little fast even though he know Raph might not feel the same but he never had anyone care this much that as not his little brother or father. " I'm sorry..."
    " Shut up..." Leo opened his eye and looked to Raph surprised at his words as Raph then looked at Leo then smirked. Leo could not help but chuckled a little that turned to a laughing sense Leo remembered he told Raph to shut up too. 
     The door opened as they both then walked out as Leo walked out and then Raph as they headed to the door while Raph said as they got out into the cold. " So which way to your home?"
    Leo looked at Raph then pointed over to the building a few miles away.  " You live in the apartments?"
    Leo nods then started to walk as Raph follows a little behind. Leo was silent for a little as he then turned to Raph and asked: " where do you live?"
    He hesitated for a little but answered looking down. " with my dad sadly..."
      Leo stopped and had Raph walk till they where by each other while Leo then walked by Raph's side as they stayed silent. Leo noticed him not wearing the jacket as he then said blushing and got as hand in the pocket of his own jacket. " Want to stay at my place till you find your own?"
     Raph looked at Leo as if he was crazy while he then said. " No thanks... I have to stay there till..."
     " till when?" Leo asked as Raph felt he almost told Leo why he was really working with them. " Till I uh... Till my debt to him is paid... "
    Raph looked at Leo as he looked down as it looked like Leo was believing it while he then looked ahead as it was cold but it made his right leg feel a little better. " if you ever need time away from your father then you can come over."
    Raph looked at Leo again as he then smirked as he said as a joke. " So you can seduce me? I will admit I never been seduced by a man yet."
   " No! I'm just trying to help!"Leo yelled as he had his red face as Raph lost his smile a little. " Why are you so uptight when I make a gay joke? It's not like you are gay."
    Leo looked away as Raph then started to walk as the lights were green for them to go. They stayed silent while they kept walking in the snow. But while they kept walking they were not noticing the car that was following them while they kept their distance.
     The car was black with the windows tinted so no one could see as it had two men there that was trying to get their target. " when are we going to get the turtle? We can't always follow him around..."
    " Well, it might take longer since it looks like he has someone with him. A bodyguard and he does not look like he is a wimp at fighting..." they said in the car as they tried to stay as patient as they could.

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