Chapter 4

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    Raphael was in the office of his dads as he looked at the paper with discussed while his face was still pretty much bruised. " You got to be fucking kidding... You hate the Hamato's! Why the hell sends me there!"
    Donnie was sitting at the couched to the corner as he was still on his laptop typing but was still listening as Saki stood up and went over to Raph grabbing his shirt. " Because I am sending you there to get the documents to where they are trying to get the cure Donatello is making! He can't go since he is still making the cure so you are the only one that can go! And don't fail me Raphael or you know what will happen! Know to go and get over there!"
     Saki then let's his older son go with a slight push as Raph then fixed his suit and walked out looking at the transfer papers while grunting at them. ' This is stupid... Who would believe this shit... I should do this fast and find the stupid documents so then the Hamato's won't win this stupid war of the mutant cure...'
     He got out of the build to long as he then started walking to the Hamato company as he then rubbed the bruise his dad gave him. ' I could use this bruise as a fake reason why I am transferring...'
    He was walking thru the snow as if it was not even there or fazed by the cold as he was getting closer till he soon then got to the front if the building and walked in as he looked around seeing it was way more colorful this his fathers in which was all black and gray.
    As Raph looked a little around he then was about to reach the front of the security guards to see which floor to take when he then heard someone say his name is if happy to see him. So Raph turned to what looked like an old rat while he came over to him with a smile as he didn't know how to act. " my son has been expecting you. I will show you his office. "
     As the rat turned to walk to the elevators Raph just followed while he got in the elevator with him and the rat said. " I was just leaving so it is good to see you before I was gone. I am Splinter Hamato."
    Raph straightened up silent for a little till he finally said. " i-its nice to meet you Mr. Hamato... And thanks for accepting my transfer."
    He saw Splinter smiled as he looked to Raph as his hands held the cane keeping him up. " it was my pleasure. I just hope you and my sons get alone sense the Hamato's and Oroku's never got off as a good start. "
     Raph only nods his head when then the doors opened seeing an empty desk in front of the door that was Mikey's desk. But they walked in and passed the desk as Raph looked on it not seeing anything important while then Splinter opened the door as Raph instantly heard laughing as he looked in and saw two of the rat's son's as they both looked to them and stood. " Raphael these are my sons. Leonardo the oldest and the CEO of the company then here is Michelangelo my second son and assistant to Leonardo."
    Mikey waved at Raph as if not fazed by him being an Oroku, unlike Leo he had a face that showed he could not trust him as Raph put on a smirk and said. " hey thank for having me here. "
     Splinter then said his goodbye to them three while he then walked out as Mikey went out to get the phone that was now ringing. Leaving Leo and Raph alone as Leo went to his desk and sat down gesturing his hand to the chair in front of his desk.
   So Raph went over and took the seat as he sat there while Leo moved some papers out of the way as he then asked out. " So why are you wanting to work here? Don't get me wrong it's nice to have others help but why to work for the company that your father is trying to shut down?"
     Raph looked to Leo for a little then got a leg on his other as he spoke. " Why else? To piss him off. He treated like shit and if you can see he does not hide his anger. "
    Leo did notice his face as if he did get in a fight while he then asked another question. "Give me a reason to trust you? I know your the son that gets in fights all the time and causes trouble... Could you get us in trouble and make us probably shut down?"
     " why would I want that? I want to see my dads face when he sees I am working here and help with you getting the cure. My brother and I are close so I can persuade him to get you the cure in a few months. "
     Leo looked to him then to the window as he saw the Oroku building. " Fine, you will work here... But the position my father will have to pick for you so you will start tomorrow. "
     Raph nods his head as he started to stand and said with a slight smirk " I will be here in the morning Boss. "
   As he left the room Leo blushed and got a hand on his face looking out the window to not have anyone see his red face. ' God, what was that... I feel like he was hot... Darn it... Last I need is to be falling for a man like him that is an Oroku family member...'

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