Chapter 46

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    Later on the day, Leo was at his desk going thru his things till he found what he was looking for while he pulled it out as it was a picture of him and Usagi as a couple. Leo didn't know why he had to look at it but he could not get Usagi out of his head the whole day as he remembered his first kiss.
    ' Leo was in Usagi's room while Leo was also reading the new magazine of the hospital his father was running at the time. Usagi came in and saw Leo as he walked over and sat next to him. " You really like reading those."
    " well, we are perfect together... You want to be a doctor and I want to run my father's company..." Leo said blushing as he would then look to Usagi as he blushed seeing something in Usagi's eyes.
    So Leo then looked away as Usagi saw how nervous Leo looked so he went to his bed and grabbed a thin blanket while placing it on Leo's head. Leo felt his heart pounding and felt a hand grab his chin as Leo looked to where Usagi was as he then felt lips over his as Leo widened his eyes.
    Usagi then pulled the blanket off Leo and looked at Leo as he blushed hard. So Usagi got a hand to Leo's back neck and leaned him to Usagi's lips again as Leo blushed hard.
    Leo felt his heart as if he had a butterfly in his stomach while his hands went to Usagi's chest and leaned more into Usagi. '

     Leo opened his eyes with his cheeks red while he looked to his picture while he tried to control himself. ' Why am I think of Usagi... I'm with Raph know...'
    Then his phone rang as that made Leo jump from his seat as he then sat up straight as he grabbed his cell phone and looked to see it was Raph. So Leo took two quick breathes and answered the phone. " Hey, Raph. what did they say?"
    Leo could hear him hesitated when he then spoke. " They found a broken piece of my knee bone stabbing into my nerves..."
    " Okay, so what do they have to do?" Leo asked hearing as of a motorcycle starting, " They said I would have to have surgery to remove it..."
    Leo stood up and asked. " Why do I hear there is supposed to be a ' But ' in your words?"
   " But I don't want to go thru with it..." Raph said as Leo got his bag after placing the picture of him and Usagi back in his desk. " What do you mean you don't want to do it? That surgery would help you..."
    " Or it could make my leg go limp..." Raph said as Leo went silent. Raph then signed as he turned his engine off. " Leo if my right leg goes limp... I will either have to wear a brace... Or be in a wheelchair... I'm not putting that burden on you..."
    Leo was about to argue with Raph but then the phone sounded like Raph hanged up as Leo got his bag walking out. " Raph? Raph!"

~ ~ ~
    Raph sat there in the bedroom as he was on the bed looking at his knee rubbing it. He took deep breathes trying to calm the pain as he saw the Vicodin bottle making himself grabbing it and threw them to the door as they landed on the hallway floor. " goddammit! Stop this stupid pain!"
    Raph didn't want to take many more of the pulls as he didn't want to get addicted to them as well as getting the surgery to get more crippled than he already was. He rubbed his leg trying to stop the pain as he then leaned a little forward shutting his eyes hard as tears came out from how much it was hurting.
    He was so focused on the pain he didn't hear Leo get home as he went up the stairs to see the pill bottle on the floor so he ran to the bedroom seeing Raph there. " Raph -"
    " Leave me alone!" Raph yelled while Leo took a step back as he looked to Raph shaking. Till he looked down and grabbed his bottle getting to Raph. " Raph take one..."
    " No! Just go!" Raph yelled as he also pushed Leo back making him hit Raph's drawer. But Leo went right back to Raph as he got a pill and placed it in Leo's mouth knowing he was going to get a little high with it but he had to do something for Raph's pain.
   Leo then ran to Raph and tackled him on the bed as Leo held Raph's arms down. " Leo let me go! Dammit!"
    Lee then leaned down fast and kissed Raph as he at first opened his eyes too soon then struggle to get free again as Leo tried his hardest to get Raph to open his mouth. ' Come on Raph open!'
     Raph struggles began to stop as Leo then felt Raph open his mouth and got the pill in Raph as he swallowed it. Leo pulled away as he breathed hard as Raph said. "I'm tired of taking these pills..."
    " Why Raph? Why are you always being so stubborn... " Leo asked as Raph looked to Leo as he held in tears. " I'm sorry I'm not the type that comes crying when I'm in pain... I hold my pain in and that is what I will ways do..."
    Leo leaned his head on Raph's chest as he started crying. " Raph don't you see what you are doing... You're pushing us apart... I don't want that..."
     " have you not had the thought that maybe I do..." Leo's eyes widened as he sat back up looking at Raph as he saw Raph crying too. " Raph... "
    Leo didn't know what to say as he just got his arm up fast and punched Raph hard in the cheek surprising Raph hardcore " I don't!"

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