Chapter 73

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    Raph was in the bed as Kiru was sitting on the couch worrying about Raph as Leo was by him. Raph was on his plastron as the doctor there was looking at his shell putting some pressure to see if it was going to hurt.
    Once the doctor was done he said looking at Leo. " He will be fine. His shell is not cracked but he might have bruised his back in the shell so he will hurt if on his back. "
    " How long does he stays off his back?"  Leo asked while Kiru came off the couch and over as she looks at the two then went to Raph as she stood there while she got a hand on Raph's arm as he looked at her slightly hiding his face as he was in a lot of pain. " I would say a day or two."
    Leo nods and walks the doctor out when he then noticed Kiru was not on the couch where he last had her as he then went to the bedroom to see there standing by the bed as she was talking to Raph holding his arm. " are you going to be okay dad?"
    " Yeah... Just... I'll be okay..." Then Raph grunted from the pain as he hid his face in his arms while Kiru looked worried as Leo came over. " Why don't you go and play out front... I will be out soon. "
    Kiru looked to Raph and leaned on the bed just enough as she then kissed Raph's cheek. " Get well soon dad..."
     Leo then got Kiru off the bed as she went then out as Leo came to Raph sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing the back of Raph's head. " Are you sure you will be okay Raph?"
    It took Raph a moment since she was crying at the feeling of the pain as well as feeling Kiru giving him a kiss to the cheek as Raph then had himself look at Leo forcing a smile. " Yeah... Just go have fun... Don't let me be the reason why you and Kiru don't have fun here..."
    Leo looked to Raph and then laid down by Raph as he kissed his forehead. " Okay... We will bring something to eat when we are back..."
    Raph nods his head when Leo then got up and over to his bag as he went to the pockets to pull out some pills battles as he came over. " you know this one the Vicodin and... Here are some sleeping pills... Just try to relax."
    Raph nods again as Leo then pulls the blanket to Raph then went out of the room keeping the door a little open. Raph liked there grunting hard as soon as he heard Leo leave the cabin as he had tears fall and teeth grounding.
     Raph hid his face and gripped the bed sheets hard as the pain was being more strong so Raph looked to the pill bottles and grabbed the painkiller pulling it open taking one to his mouth.

~ ~ ~
    Leo and Kiru went to the store as she would look at all the things when walking by holding Leo's hand. She would see a lot of things until she saw something while she asked pointing at it. " Daddy what if we got this for dad. Would he like it as a get well present?"
    Leo looked over at the shelves seeing what looked like weapons but she was pointing at the one that was sai. " Why that one? Wouldn't he be better with a katana or a -"
     " No those. When I just saw them they reminded me of when I first met dad at the park. " Leo looked to her as he asked, " Why?"
    " Because when I first met dad he looked like he a man that doesn't like to fight... But deep down I know he is a great fighter." Leo looks at Kiru as she told him of what she first thought of him as he then remembered when they first met. To Leo, Raph looked like a man that was trying to be free. Free from all that was happening and Raph did get free but it also gave him a price and know Raph's father's blood was on his hands.
    " Daddy?" Kiru looked at Leo as he looked as if so focused as she then grabbed his hand from letting go that he snapped back to reality while he looked down to Kiru. " Sorry Sweet... Yeah, let's get them."
    Kiru smiled wide as they went over and bought the sai's as Leo had them in a thin box. " now let's get what we really came in here for. "
    Kiru nods as Leo then had them two go to the food area and started to get food for dinner as Leo felt like making some pasta for them tonight. But as they did they were not really noticing the man following them in the same clothes that talked to Raph on the plane.



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