Chapter 35

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    A month has passed since Leo collapsed and Raph was in his cellar laying in his bed as he did not smile since he has gotten to the jail. His smile vanished as this whole month as he has not heard any news of Leo since he didn't want to hear it.
    So he assumed the worst and that Leo was dead so he laid there as he would sometimes feel the scar on his left cheek sense that same night of Leo's surgery Raph's dad came to the police station and beaten Raph hard breaking his right leg again and got a deep cut to his left cheek.
   His right leg was almost healed as he was still limping sometimes and felt it sore almost all the time. But today he was staying in his room all day from his leg as it was not feeling the greatest today.
    So while he laid there a guard came over and knocked on his door knocking as Raph opened his eyes and turned to look at the guard saying coldly. " What? I am trying to rest my leg..."
  " You have a visited." the guard said as Raph laid back down and said. " I told you all I don't do visits... Just tell them to fuck off!"
    The guard grunted and crossed his arms. " I was told by a turtle with light green skin that you would want to have this visit. "
    " Mikey?" Raph said as he looked back to the wall and signed as he rolled and went to his feet as he then started to walk with the guard. " you know the laws with visitors right? "
   " Yeah..." Raph got his hands to his pockets while trying to show himself from limping too bad today while they got to the visitor's room while Raph went to the 13 room. Raph walked over and grabbed the door to open and see Mikey was there seeing Raph standing up. " Raph!"
    He came over and hugged Raph almost losing his balance as Raph grabbed the wall to stay up as Mikey then let's go and looks up to Raph. " You got a scar! How?"
   " My dad came and attacked me... Braking my leg again too... So I'm supposed to stay off my leg today..." Raph said while Mikey got Raph's arm and pulled him to the chair as he sat and Mikey stood. " I came because... there is something Leo wanted me to give you."
   Mikey then went to the bag and started to go thru it looking for the item and grabbed it looking at Raph. Raph saw that it was a ring while Mikey came over and grabbed Raph's hand placing it there. " Leo always wanted to give this to someone he knew could hold onto it no matter what..."
    Raph looked at the rings as he thought to himself. ' This looks so much like what Leo would wear...'
    Raph then clenched it in his hand as he lowered his head. " Thank you, Mikey... "
    Mikey put on a slight smile as he went to get his bag and turned to Raph again. " And you should accept more visits... Your brother really misses you..."
     Raph just nods his head while he then stands and goes to Mikey as he gets one arm around him and hugged Mikey surprising him as Raph said low. " Watch Donnie for me... Please..."
   Mikey could feel Raph's arms shaking not from any pain but as if he was worried about his little brother while Mikey placed a hand in his arm and said with a kind smile. " I will Raph don't worry."
    Then he left as Raph watched him with his still same face not able to smile as he stood there while he heard the guard come over. " ready to go back?"
    Raph took a little then nods as he walked over to the exit and paced his hands back to his pockets. " I'll walk by myself..."
    The guard would have declined but he knows Raph would not do anything as he watched him walk off. But while Raph clenched his hand on the ring as he looked down with tears falling. ' he is gone... Leo, you really did leave... I'm sorry...'
    Once alone in the hall, he leaned to the wall on his shoulder and started to cry as his slide down to the ground. He didn't know what to do as he had his eyes shut remembering their time together again.
    When Leo first smiled at Raph making him happy and to also show his kindness to him. ' Leo... I failed and lost you because of my stupid thoughts... I'm so sorry...'

~ ~ ~
  Mikey was walking out of the place while Donnie was leaning to the car until he saw Mikey and went over. " How is he?"
    " Like you thought... He is in bad shape... But I hope the ring will help Raph... He really needs it right now..." Donnie went to get Mikey to the car as he looked to the prison station as he as there when Raph was convicted of everything in the hospital so he had 15 years in there but Donnie kept his hope for Raph up. " Hang on Raph..."

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