Chapter 5

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     Raph was outside in the morning as he was waiting in the cold this time with his jacket and hat as the snow was falling more but still gently while he was leaning on the doors waiting for Leo as his hands were in the pocket of his jacket to keep warm. But as he was standing there he had another bruise slightly on his jaw as he got in another fight with his dad telling him that he wanted out of the Oroku company when he was finished with this mission since he felt used and wanted to just live a normal life like his two human friends Casey and April.
      Raph let out a breath as Leo was walking up he saw Raph there as he looked confused why he was just standing outside in the cold as he felt his cheeks get a little plink but cleared his throat and tried to lose his pink cheeks as he came over and said getting Raph to look at him. " Why are you waiting outside?"
    " Why are you not taking the company car?" he asked after Leo asked and he then spoke to Raph. " It gives out to much attention... Besides, I like to walk its a good little workout. "
    Raph saw Leo's cheek get a little pink as he talks about walking with a slight smile while Raph then came off the building and came closer to Leo surprising him as he blushed a little more with wide eyes and Raph put on a smirk. " I was actually wanting to talk to you before you got in your office. "
    Leo was looking at him while he spoke as his mind was a little scrambled at how close Raph was getting to him as he spoke. " A-about what?"
    " About my position. " Leo blushed more than his bag fall slipping out of his hand as he looked down and went to pick up his bag saying while he got a few of the small papers that came out on the snow, " I told you my father is going to give you a position... I can't give you a position since my father is the one that actually hired you..."
    Leo stayed down trying to calm his blushing as he still felt Raph close to him but the warmth of his body by Leo's was not helping.
     But while Leo was done there Raph looked at him a little confused at why Leo was acting like this all blushing and nervous looking so he then spoke and walked off. " You need to relaxer Boss. Or you could get sick. "
     Leo soon stood up and whipped the snow off his bag as he then signed as his hot air went out showing in the eyes view as he said low to himself. " That's easier said then done..."
      Leo then started in and walked over to the elevator as he then saw Raph in there with a few other workers so he just went to the staircase and started walking up since he felt he should not be alone with Raph even if he was not thinking the same as Leo. ' Calm down... He is just messing with you...'
    Leo was getting to the door as he went in and went straight to his office door as he opened it and instantly felt his body as if gave out as he almost fell but then a strong hand grabbed his arm as he got his footing and looked quickly fast seeing Raph there as he blushed. " you sure your okay Boss?"
    Leo pulled his arm away from Raph's hold and looked away as he didn't know why he blushed when Raph would call him Boss. " I'm fine... Wait out here till my father is here..."
    Leo then went into his office and closed his door fast before Raph could say any more as Raph stood there confused and crossed his arms. " What is with him?"
    So he just sits down and looked at the place feeling weird here since everything was in color in which Raph was not used too while he then started to get out his pack of cigarettes and was getting one to his mouth as then it instantly got pulled out of his mouths and he looked fast to see Splinter. " Sorry Raphael but no smoking in the building. "
    " Sorry, sir..." Raph said as he felt uneasy. He didn't know why but this whole family was weird and always so happy for him while he saw Splinter then go in the office as he closed the door while Raph saw Leo at his desk on his computer.
    So Raph looked down and leaned back as he then looked at the elevator doors seeing then Mikey come in and settled at his assistance desk. Till he then saw Raph and waved. " hey Raph. Excited for working today?"
     " yeah... Excited..." Raph said sarcastically when then the door opened and Splinter stood there. " Come on in Raphael. "
     He stood up and went over to the office and took his seat while Leo was sitting on the couch as Splinter stood and Raph sat across from Leo as Splinter then said. " From know on Raphael, I would like you to be a bodyguard. "
    " Cool who am I going to be watching over then?" Raph asked leaning back as his arms went to the back of his head and his left leg went over his right looking at Splinter. " My son Leonardo."
    'What!' Raph yelled in his own head as he did have the surprised look while he then looked at Leo as he was looking serious as Splinter spoke some more. " Leonardo is the CEO and we need a guard that can keep him safe even though he can fight for himself but it would not look good for the company."
    " You wanting me to be your guard Boss?" Raph asked Leo as he waited for Leo to answer his question. " I tried to have my father do a different position but he stuck to this... So yeah from today you are my bodyguard will you have a problem with that?"
     Raph thought for a second then smirked and said looking right at Leo. " Not at all."

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