Chapter 61

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    Tomorrow was the wedding as Raph and Leo where in the living room as they were watching a movie while Leo was leaning on Raph's plastron so they stayed silent while Raph would brush his hand from Leo's neck lightly almost like massaging making Leo blush but also felt good. They were watching a movie called ' V for Vendetta ' while V was just getting to talk on the tv with the small DVD he made.
    Leo got this movie since he was told that Raph wanted to see it and that was true as he would move his eyes to leave the movie. So Leo looked at Raph and grabbed his chin making him look to Leo surprising Raph. " Should I dress up as V know?"
    Raph laughed and leaned this head back making Leo look at him smirking. Then Raph looked at Leo as he said to him. " Oh yes, baby. You dress like him I would have to be all over you nonstop. "
    Then they both laughed and Leo saw the time. " Well, time for bed... We have a huge day tomorrow."
     Raph saw Leo blush as he then got his hand and got Leo on the couch as Raph stayed on top of him. " There is nothing to be nervous about. "
    " But what if something goes wrong?" Leo said looking worried as Raph placed a hand to Leo's lips. " you will have nothing to fear Leo. It will be perfect. "
    Then Raph leaned down and kissed Leo as they closed their eyes and flavored this moment for as tomorrow they were going to be married finally to be happy.

~ ~ ~
    The big day was here as Leo was in his room getting his suit on while he was fixing his slaves as Donnie was there helping. Then there was Raph in his room as Mikey was everywhere acting like a kid. " My older brother is getting married! "
    " Mikey you're in here to help me... Not to run around like a kid on sugar..." Raph said getting his first top on as Mikey stopped and looked around as Raph signed and said: " Can you get me water? My throat is feeling a little dry..."
   " Can do!" Mikey then went out as Raph chuckled shaking his head as he looked at himself in the mirror getting his last clothing on the second top suit as he was then all of a sudden getting nervous so then Splinter came in and Raph turned to him fast. " Splinter?"
    He smiled and stood there as he then said. " I want to say how proud I am at how much you changed Raphael... "
    Raph bowed his head as he said to him. " Thank you, sir... It means a lot coming from you..."
    " No need to bow my son today you too will be my son. This is yours and Leonardo's day. " then the noise came of the bell letting Raph and the others know it was starting as Splinter said. " keep Leonardo happy my son."
   Raph watched him then looked at his hand and clenched it while he then started out of the room and went down to the altar as he would see his friends and the Hamato's friends while he soon got to the prest and stood there with his hands to his back looking at the opening of the altar waiting for Leonardo to show up.
    But as the seconds went by Raph then felt himself getting so nervous as he never thought he would ever marry and to a man.
    The piano was playing as Raph then felt his cheeks get red while waiting for Leo as he soon saw his and Raph's heart was beating fast. Splinter was holding Leo's hand and get Leo to Raph as they held hands and looked at each other while Leo said low. " you look like a tomato..."
     " Shut it..." Raph said looking a little away blushing more making Leo chuckled low while the prest then started to speak as Raph gripped Leo's hand hard since it was the hand Leo got the cuts from saving them from falling out of the building for a few seconds.
    As the priest stopped to let them two say their vows Leo went first since he knew Raph didn't know what to say so Leo then spoke with a smile and blush. " When we first met Raphael I felt you were going to give me trouble... And man was I right."
   Every some laughed so than Leo spoke more finishing his vow. " But with all that's happened, I would not change a thing. I love you and nothing can stop me even after our death. "
    There was a few aw's but Raph then blushed as he cleared his throat and said looking at only Leo. " I don't know what got me to love you Leonardo but once I knew I was... "
   Raph's hand went tighter on Leo's so Leo saw Raph then started to have small tears fall done his cheekS. " I knew I could not let you go...
And... And on top of that, you saved my ass so there are so many things I have to do to make up for them..."
     Leo put on a smile as he went and wiped Raph's eyes so Raph looked at Leo and cleared his throat blushing as they then got their rings on and everyone was silent so the priest said. " I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom."
    " Yeah! Kiss!" yelled Casey as that made every time laughed while Raph pulled Leo fast to him as he kissed Leo hard making Leo moan low to where only Raph could hear.


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