Chapter 28

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     Raph got Leo in his seat on the plane as Leo was in different clothes when they were at the place as well as taking care of the bullet wound when Raph was packing everything.
    Right know once Leo was on the plane's seat the sun was going to come up in a few hours while Raph sat next to Leo but they didn't say a thing as Leo looked out the window and Raph looked to the ground on the other side of where Leo was not at.
     They both felt guilty and hurt at the same time as Leo then looked to Raph while he knows he had to tell Raph. So he then grabbed his hand as that got Raph to look to Leo fast and surprised as Leo said. " I should not be made from you almost cheating on me Raph... Since... There is something I been keeping from you..."
    Raph saw Leo tear up as the plane was starting to go. " Leo you can wait to tell me when you are ready."
     " No... I need to tell you now... On any day it will be too late... But when we were in the hospital the doctor came in and talked to me..."
   " when? I don't remember the doctor talking to you..." Raph said confused as Leo held Raph's hand hard and shaking. " When you were sleeping in the hospital bed with me... Raph... I'm almost out off the second stage... I'm going to be in a coma in a few days and... And then..."
    Leo's whole body was shaking as Raph got his arm to Leo and pulled him to lean on Raph's shoulder. " I'm here with you till the end Leo..."
    Leo closed his eyes and placed a hand on Raph's shirt-grabbing it as he said low. " Please make love to me when we get back... I want you before I get in the coma Raph..."
    Raph blushed looking around as he made sure no one was hearing Leo then looked at Leo as he leaned his head to Leo's saying low. " I have been waiting for you to be ready since I first made you cum. "
    Leo smiled and looked up as he kissed Raph for a second then pulled away and leaned his head back on Raph's shoulders falling asleep from all that happened.
    Raph grabbed Leo's hand holding it as he was thinking to himself. ' those men were from new york when I first stayed the night with Leo... I need to tell Splinter about that once we land...'
    Then Leo moaned in his sleep and moved a little closer to Raph as he smiled and watched Leo staying up all night and day when the sun was coming up watching over Leo.
~ ~ ~
   Leo is woken up and saw Raph still up as he kissed his cheek then sat up and rubbed his eyes as Raph looked at Leo. " Slept well?"
    " Yeah... Thanks... But you didn't have to have my head to your shoulder you know..." Leo said looking at Raph with his sleeping look. " its fine... I want to be by you as much as I can before you get into the come. "
   An announcement was going off as it was telling everyone to buckle up and to be ready to land. So Raph went to Leo first and buckled him in as Raph then did his own while the plane was then starting to land.
    Raph grabbed Leo's hand remembering he said he did not like the landing part as Leo looked to Raph showing Leo he was smiling and that it was okay. Leo smiled back and looks through the window as he was seeing the airport but also a lot of what looked like cop cars.
   " Raph was there news about something going on in the airport? " Raph looked at Leo confused as he shakes his head. " No why?"
    " There are cop cars at the entrance of the airport..." Leo said worried as Raph smiled and rubbed his thumb on Leo's hand. " its okay I'm sure its nothing too important. "
   Leo nods and looks back to the window as the plane soon landed and Raph soon then got to getting Leo up as they started to get out. Leo held Raph's hand as they got to the waiting area and started to go and get their league.
   " There! Stop right there and let him go!" yelled a few cops as Leo lets his hand go but saw all the cups guns where pointed at Raph as Raph yelled. " What the hell!"
   " What is going on here!" Leo yelled as one said surprising him and Raph. " This man was part of a crime that was posted last night of kidnapping you! The two men work for the Oroku family and he is the Oroku first son!"
   " That's bull shit! I saved him! I have never seen those men in my life!" Raph yelled as then Splinter came out of the cops group making Leo look worried. " Father this not true... Raph was guarding me like you paid him to..."
    " Leonardo get over here... His father came to me as well two nights ago that Raph was planning that kidnapping and that he was going to steal the contract for the mutant cure and sell it for himself..." Splinter said as he looked disappointed as then Leo looked to Raph. " Raph is the kidnapping part true?"
    Raph looked at Leo and went to him fast grabbing his hands as two cops started to Raph to pull him away. " Leo you know me... I would never do anything to harm you... Hey, late I go!"
    They got Raph away from Leo as Raph tried to get free making the cops then just pinned Raph to the ground hard making Leo jump at hearing how hard Raph landed as they got handcuffs on his wrists. " You are under arrest... Anything you say can and will be against you in the court of law. "
    Raph ignored the cops as he yelled at Leo. " Leo you know I would not hurt you! And I would never do that to the contract! You know why!"
     Leo wanted to cry but stayed strong and nods his head as he said. " I will get you out Raph don't worry..."
    The cops got Raph up as they walked passed Leo as he said that to Raph while he watched him leave with the cops and Splinter coming to Leo. " What are you thinking... We have the evidence that Raphael is guilty..."
    Leo kept his eyes at the door and clenched his hands. " And I have my evidence that he is not what his father is saying..."

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