Chapter 42

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     As Leo placed the breakfast down and had the sleeping pills in the eggs while Raph said surprising Leo. " I'm going to work today..."
     " What? But your leg..." Leo said as he sat by Raph. " Yeah well if with these pills do their work then I will be fine..."
    " Raph I think we should get your appointment first then if there is nothing wrong then you can come back to work. " Raph looked to Leo as he said mad. " Why do you want me home so bad? You just got attacked yesterday dammit!"
    " That is true... But you could make your leg worse that you would probably need the cane forever..."
    " I don't care about that!"
     " I do! " Leo yelled as Raph looked at Leo surprised. " You aren't yourself when you're in pain Raph! You're a jerk and it hurts me to see you in pain and not treating it!"
   Leo stood up and went to grab his bag while saying walking out of the kitchen. " I treated myself from the virus... The least you could do is the same for your leg!"
    Leo then left slamming the door then started walking to the limo and leaned in the seat as he covered his eyes trying to hold back his tears. ' For once Raph do this for me...'
    Raph sat there looking at the food and crossed his arms while he then looked around as he grunted and got out of the sat and grabbed his cane as he walked out of the kitchen then to the stairs as he went up and went to where he put his clothes and starts to put them on.
    Once Raph was dressed in blue pants, a black shirt with his shoes he then went out and goes down the stairs. He went to the door and opened it as he then got his keys and walked out of the house locking the door and went the opposite of where Leo's building was and walked off.

~ ~ ~
    Leo walked in the hallway for his office and closed his door while he pleased his bag on his desk and went to the couch as he fell and laid on the couch with his eyes closed. ' Why does he have to be such a jerk!'
    Leo then opened his eyes and sat up as he wiped his eyes and then leaned his head back when then his phone went off as he looked at the caller seeing it was Donnie as he answered. ' Hey, Donnie..."
   " Hey, how did he take the pills?"
    " he took a sleeping pill yesterday... And fell almost right to asleep... And he took his Vicodin this morning..."  Donnie was silent as he said. " is he with you?"
    " No... why?" Leo asked sitting more up as he heard Donnie said. " because I'm in the place and I don't see him..."
    " What!" Leo said standing up as he heard Donnie walking around. " Yeah, he locked the door and left... There is breakfast here not touched and he left his pain pills here..."
    " I'm coming home!" Leo said as he hanged up and got his desk phone and pressed the speaker button. " Mikey move my meeting for tonight, please... "
    " Sure." Leo then got his bag and went out as he said. " If any one's calls have them call me on my cell!"
    " Okay..." Mikey said looking at Leo seeing him worried as Leo stood there waiting for the elevator to bring him to the lobby as he felt his arms shaking. ' Raph where did you go... You are not the kind to walk off from problems... '

~ ~ ~
    Raph was sitting in a park a few blokes from the house as he was watching kids playing and their mothers talking to each other while Raph would just mainly watch the kids. They would run playing tag or play on the playground as they would laugh and scream.
     So he just sat and watch till one-half human and half mutant little kid fox was sitting on the other side of the bench he was on as he looked a little at her as she did the same. She then scooted closer two to Raph as he gave her a confused look while then scooted away two times.
     She then scooted two times again as Raph did as well but the second scooting he then fell off the bench and to the ground as he said rubbing his butt. " ow..."
    The little fox kid laughed as she said pointing at him. " Why do you have that stick?"
    Raph looked at her and grunted. " it's not a stick... It's a cane..."
    " Why do you have it?" she asked looking at him with her face as if she was curious about his cane while her red fox tail wagged. " It's so I can walk better..."
     She then got off the bench and went over to him as she said waving her hand. " I'm Kiru."
    Raph looked at her and said grabbing his cane to get up. " Raph..."
    She smiled as she saw him get back on the bench and she sat next to him. " Don't you have brothers or sisters to annoy Kiru..."
    " No... I am with my adopted mother..." Raph looked to the girl and said surprised. "You're adopted?"
    She nods and smiles at him as she then heard her name getting called while she then got off the bench and waved at him. " Bye."
     Raph watched her walk to her stepmother then they walked off and went to the car as Raph sat there holding his cane's top saying to her but alone. " Later Kiru..."

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