Chapter 85

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    Leo was not too happy when Raph stopped as he was back to bed laying there while he felt still hard and horny. He closed his eyes to try and to stop thinking about Raph in him as he felt his cheeks get red.
    It didn't take him long to fall asleep again as he still felt his hangover while he closed his eyes and started to dream of him a Raph in the shower.

~ ~ ~
    Raph was sitting on the couch watching the show Kiru was watching while he had his left hand to his face while his pointed finger was rubbing his bottom lip as his mind was more focused on what he and Leo did in the shower as he had to stop. Raph didn't want to stop but Leo would not keep it down since he felt he wanted to fuck Leo harder.
    He saw Kiru on the floor as she sat there smiling as her tail would wag as he looked back to tv. ' Darn Leo could you not hold your moan in...'
    Raph looked at the time to see it was getting late so he got up and grabbed the remote saying at the same time turning the tv off. " Alright time for bed little missy."
    She pouting but got up. " Okay..."
    So she started to her room and went to change to her night clothes as Raph locked the front door. Then he turned the lights off and started to the stairs walking to Kiru's room seeing her dressed and went to her bed as Raph came over and kissed her head. " Good night sweety. "
    " Night dad." she then laid down and cuddled in her blanket as Raph went and closed her door leaving a crake then went to turn the hallway light off. Raph went to the room and closed the door as he went to his side seeing Leo there sleeping as he sat to the edge and started taking his shirt off than to stand to get his pants off.
   He stood there seeing as if Leo was cuddling the blanket so Raph went to his bed's side and laid down laying there on the blanket looking to the ceiling as he signed then looked to Leo sleeping again. Raph bit his bottom lip and looked back up closing his eyes trying to get some sleep since he had the feeling Leo would sleep all night.

~ ~ ~
    Raph fell asleep a few hours as Leo grunted in his sleep and opened his eyes to see Raph there on his back. Leo started to sit up and looked to Raph then at the door getting slowly off the bed locking it then went over to be in front of Raph.
   Leo got his hands to Raph's legs and moved them slowly up making Raph moan low as he moved his head to the right side. When Leo got his hands to Raph's knees he then started to climb up slowly to the bed and leaned his head down kissing Raph's inner thighs.
     Raph let out another low moan moving his head to the left this time as Leo then went and started to slowly lick Raph's slot again. Raph's cheeks got pink and he started to pant with a hand getting to the bed frame grabbing it.
    Leo kept licking the slot making Raph pant a little more till he moved his other hand to Leo's head as his member came out. " Leo... "
    Leo then got up to his knees and looked to Raph seeing Raph looking up at him panting a little still. " that's a way to wake me up..."
    Leo came to his lips and kissed him gently as Leo said low. " We are finishing this."
    Raph smirked and kissed back getting his hands to Leo's slot to rub him bit Leo grabbed Raph's hand and said sitting up. " You don't get to touch me until I tell you so."
     Raph kept his smirk and got his hands from Leo's hand then placed them to that back of his head. " Alright."
    So Leo then started to kiss Raph's neck making Raph leaning his head back blushing as he felt Leo's left hand went back to Raph's member stroking him. Raph panted as Leo looked into Raph's hands then the frame as he got an idea while he sat up and reached for Raph's pillow making his head fall down looking up confused with his pink cheeks.
    Leo got then the pillow case off then went to his and did the same throwing the pillows to the floor. Leo gets Raph's left hand and tightened the case on his wrist tightly then tied the other end to the bed's frame as he did the same to his right hand as Raph looked at Leo with his arms over his head. " What are you doing?"
    " this is so you don't touch me... I will be the one pleasing us both." Leo said and his hand then went back to Raph's member stroking him as Raph's head leaned back panting while his hands pulled a little to the case keeping his hands there. Leo got his lips to Raph's neck licking him as he felt Raph shiver.
     Raph opened his eye and looked at the ceiling and wall while he felt Leo move his licking downward as Raph pants and looked down to see Leo lick him. Leo stopped to Raph's waist then looked up to see Raph pant as he then saw Raph lean his head back as his hips started to buck a little.
    So Leo stroked faster and felt Raph pant harder till he pulled his arms hard as he came. Leo licked his hand clean as he started to get up as he looked down to Raph that was still panting. " You stopped in the shower, Raphael... Know I will get payback and I won't stop until you beg hard for me to stop... But every time toy noun out loud I will be rougher with you..."
    Raph panted looking up at Leo with his red cheeks as he thought to himself. ' Is he serious!'

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