Chapter 54

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    Raph and Usagi were getting into the house as he parked to the front and Raph started to get out as he said to Usagi. " Your coming in too."
   Usagi didn't like the feeling of going but followed Raph as he got to the guards to the door as they saw Raph and lets him in. While walking to the front door Raph opened it not seeing Leo or his dad while they walked more around as he headed to the dojo first with nothing then there as he headed to the bedrooms.
    Raph's hands clenched as he went passing his brothers door and went to his dad's door hearing what sounded like moans and panting making Raph's heart get heavy. ' He isn't!'
    Raph got the handle trying to get in as he felt it was locked as Raph moved back and kicked the door as hard as he could but to hurt his leg. He grabbed his leg but then looked at the door and got back up and backed all the way as he started to charge at the door using his shoulder to get the door as it busted open and Raph stood here looking at his eyes widened in shock.
   Leo was on his back as his hands were tied to his back while he had a muzzle over his mouth to keep him from yelling as he panted hard with his eyes closed. But what got Raph the most was that he saw his dad there as he had his member in Leo while Raph's hands clenched hard and he then snapped as he ran at them and got on the bed as he then tackled his dad to the ground hard.
   Usagi came in and saw Leo as he ran to him fast getting his hands free then took the muzzle off of Leo as he panted really hard as Usagi opened one of Leo's eyes and looked at them. Raph kept punching his dad's face as he would get blood on his fists as if not fazed by this while he was keeping everything blocked out as he only wanted to focus on killing his dad.
     " Raph! Raph! " Usagi yelled as he came and grabbed Raph's shoulder as he turned fast as he saw Usagi there saying. " Leo was drugged! I need to get him to the hospital!"
    Raph looked to his dad on the ground out cold as he stood up and went to Leo as he got a blanket wrapping it around Leo while he started to carry him and ran out of the place with Usagi. Raph got to the car and went to the driver back seat side as he opened the back seat and got Leo in than himself as he got Leo's head on his lap as Raph saw Leo's face flushed while Raph wanted to go back in there and kick his dad's ass some more.

~ ~ ~
     Leo grunted as he opened his eyes than to his arm seeing a needle in the arm while he then looked to his side seeing Raph sitting there as his head was laying on the edge of the bed holding Leo's hand while sleeping. Leo wanted to place his free hand on Raph's head but he felt ashamed of what he did as he then teared up and shut his eyes crying in silence.
    The door opened as Leo opened his eyes and looked to see Usagi there. " How you feeling!"
     " like I betrayed Raph..." Usagi sat on the other side of the bed and said looking at Leo. " what were you thinking... Even if it was me in Raph's shoes I would not be too happy about what you did..."
    Leo looked to Raph as he said slowly moving his hand out from Raph's as he said then turning to look at Usagi. " If Raph leaves... I will accept it... But I'm just happy Raph can walk again..."
     " what is with you... Raph didn't care that he could not walk..."
   " What do you mean? When I'm with him he talks about not coming home till he can walk... I couldn't wait for him to walk on his own Usagi... " Leo then sat up as he felt sore as he then looked down. " I knew once I made the deal with Saki things would be a big mistake but it was for Raph..."
    Leo then felt a hand on his arm as Leo looked to see Raph there and awake. He looked not too happy as he said coldly to Usagi as he stood.  " Can I talk to Leo in privet?"
   Usagi nods and walked out as Leo then looked down as he said. " I know how much you hate me right now... But... I had to..."
    Raph held his hand to Leo grabbed his chin hard making Leo look at him as Raph had hated all over his face as tears slowly showed. " Why the hell... Would you stoop that Low Leo..."
    Leo could not move away from Raph's grip as he then forced Leo down to the bed as he then placed his hands to Leo's arms keeping them over his head as he grabbed Leo's chin again making him look to Raph. " Why!"
    " Because I did it for you!"
    " I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask you to help me walk!" They yelled at each other but Leo was yelling in tears as he felt Raph's hands shaking. Raph started to ground his teeth and cry as he opened his mouth to say something as he couldn't while he then said shaking his head. " I don't know what to say Leo... Or even do... I didn't think you would allow yourself to get drugged and fucked my by dad... Your... You were are better than that..."
    Raph then lets Leo go as he stood there and said as he got his hands I'm his pants pockets. " I'll see you when you are home... Whenever that is..."
    Then Raph walked over and out of the room as Leo laid there hyperventilating as he then got his arms over his eyes and cried out.

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