Chapter 41

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    Raph was sitting at the middle of the stairs while it was already 4 hours since Leo was supposed to be back as he had the cane standing as he looking very impatient thinking he should just go and see if Leo was okay. Raph's eyes then closed debating to leave as he then heard the door open as he instantly opened his eyes seeing Leo come in as he had dinner with him while it also shows his left arm's sleeve was as if durn or torn making Raph stood up with the canes helped walking fast to Leo. " What happened!"
     Leo looked to Raph then at his arm and said walking the kitchen. " A mutant set off a hand grenade..."
   "What! Why?" Raph said as he followed behind as Leo placed the dinner to the counter. " It was after me I guess... The cops came and took him away as Donnie wrapped my arm up. "
    Raph clenched his hand on the cane as he had the feeling on who it was. ' Dad...'
    " but sorry for the wait... I got us some pasta hope you don't mind that?" Raph shook his head and went over as Raph grabbed Leo's hand as he got him them in a hug slightly surprising Leo. " At least you're safe..."
    Leo smiled and hugged back as he then kissed Raph's cheek and started to get their food out. " Want to eat in the living room? We can watch a movie I picked up as well."
    " What did you get?" Raph asked as he tried to look but Leo grabbed the bag placing it behind himself. " Go in the living room and I will let you put it in. "
    Raph signed and nods his head as he was trying to act calmer even though he was in a lot of pain since he didn't want to upset Leo. " okay..."
    So Leo handed him the bag as he started to lightly pushed Raph to the living room. " Now go and ill bring the food out."
     As Raph went into the livingroom Leo went thru his bag and pulled out only one bottle placing it down and grabbed the sleeping pills as he took one pill out and place the sleeping pills back in his bag. Leo crumbled the one up as best he could then placed them in the pasta and mixed it in as he felt a little guilty but he could see from Raph's eyes that he was not sleeping still since he been home.
    Leo gets the plates and went out over to the living room was Raph sitting on the couch with the remote in his hands. " I never took you as a turtle that likes movies like this..."
   Leo laughed and came over placing their plates down and sat next to Raph while the cane was to the other side leaning on the couch. " What? Labyrinth is a very nice movie."
     Raph looked to him as of he was crazy but still played it as he watched it for a little while Leo was already eating watching the movie but also Raph hoping he would eat the pasta so he could sleep tonight. Raph was watching the movie then started to eat as he didn't really eat anything from the pain hurting to eat today. 
    They eat and finished the pasta as Raph then said: " This is just to weird..."
    " How so?" Leo asked as he stood up getting the plates. " Because she could have just got it to end and let the kid go..." Raph said as he sounded a little tired.
    " What if that was your brother?"
    " Yeah like I would do that to Donnie... I'm sure I would be the annoying one. " Raph said as Leo said walking off. "you're not annoying Raph. You have a short temper but nothing close to that."
     Leo waited for Raph to say something as he didn't while Leo went into the Living room to see Raph laying on the couch as he was sleeping. " That was fast..."
     Leo then went over and looked to Raph laying there as he slept. "  and you're cute when you sleep. "
    So Leo then went to finish cleaning the dishes and then to Raph again as he turned the tv off and looked to Raph. " I should have thought of a way to get him in bed before taking the pill..."
   Leo rolled his sleeves up and started to the Raph as he got his arms around Raph's chest area and start to pull him off the couch and to the hall to the stairs. He went to then start to get Raph up the stairs still out cold while Leo stopped at the middle of the stairs breathing hard. " Darn Raph... Are you nothing but muscular..."
    Leo then started again and got them off the stairs then went to the bedroom and he stood up the best he could and getting Raph in the bed. Leo took out a long breath then got Raph in the bed properly and got the blanket over him and kissed his forehead. " Goodnight Raph."

~ ~ ~
    Raph is woken up as he looked around confused as he sat up and rubbed his head. He remembered watching the movie as Leo was talking to him then he said. " I must have been that tired..."
    Raph then yawned and looked around again as he looked with a tired face. ' Did Leo already leave?'
    Raph saw his cane on his side of the bedroom nightstand and grabbed it getting out of bed rubbing his eyes again. He started to the door and smelled cooking so he went to the bottom of the stairs and walked to the kitchen to see Leo there. " Leo?"
   He turned seeing Raph and smiled. " Hey how you feel?"
    " A little better I guess..." he said rubbing his eyes then went to sit as he covered his mouth yawning again. " Still tired?"
    " A little but I will be awake soon..." Raph then leaned his head on his hand looking at Leo till he then saw the pill bottle on the counter and looked at it. " This from Donnie?"
    " oh yeah, he said to only take one for the pain since they are Vicodin..." Leo said as Raph opened it and took one pill as he then placed it back on the counter as he went back to watching Leo.

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