Chapter 6

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     Raph was in the office almost the hold day by Leo while Leo was at the computer looking at paperwork and then typing more as Raph was looking so board thinking this bodyguard was going to be interesting.
    Leo was placing some papers down and saw Raph looking unnormal as if he was so bored. So he then signed and said looking down to his papers. " Raph if your board why don't you explore the place then..."
    Raph looked at Leo and got an arm over the couch while looking confused. " why? I would just get lost... Then what if something happens to you when I'm gone?"
     Leo looked to Raph and showed a serious look. " well it would be better than being bored in here while I'm trying to work."
   Raph looked at Leo then back at the place and laid on the couch while he then placed his hands on his chest. " I'm fine here..."
     Leo just looked for a little then went back to work as he was getting back to work in the silence while sometimes they could hear Mikey as he was getting excited. But while the minutes passed to an hour Leo stood up feeling not to good as he stood up and when he walked around his desk to go to the restroom he saw Raph on the couch as he was actually sleeping.
    Leo would have woken Raph up but he felt that Raph might not be getting a lot of rest so he just let him rest as he went out of his office and told Mikey. " I will be right back."
    So Leo then walked off to the elevator and went to the next floor leaving Raph alone in the office.
     Raph was on the couch and moved his head a little from dreaming of the past when he and his brother Donnie was kids. He would always be the one constantly training on his fighting so his little brother could have his fun with his computers and get also in trouble sometimes for Donnie.
    But what he was dreaming right know was when he and Donnie were playing on the dojo as Raph was teaching Donnie a few moves and fought together till they knocked over a very expensive vase that was by the dojo symbol and it falls to the ground as Donnie got scared and Raph got Donnie up shoving him in the closet where there were wooden swords while then his dad came in the dojo mad seeing the vase while he then goes over grabbing Raph's arm hard and to the center of the dojo. " I told you to never play in the dojo! It's not for playing!"
    Then His dad started to beat him as he broke Raph's right leg badly as he laid there on the dojo ground crying and shaking. " Let this be a lesson to you!"
     He then left and Donnie came out and went to Raph as Donnie treated his leg the best he could. So ever since he was older his right leg would get sore or hurt if to much pressure was on it and that was also the last day he actually played with Donnie.
    So soon in that room, Raph was waking up and opened his eyes slowly looking a little around remembering where he was as he then sat up and had a sleepily face still as he rubbed his eyes. " How long was I out?"
    When he didn't hear Leo speak he then looked over at the desk and saw Leo not there while then Raph got up. " Boss?"
    Raph got up and went to the door seeing Mikey there on the phone as Raph came to him asking. " where is your brother?"
    He placed a hand on where to speak from the phone and answered: " I don't know he said he was going to be right back..."
    Raph went to the elevator as he pressed the next bottom that Mikey told him that he would use the restroom to the floor under them. So as Raph was standing there impatiently from the elevator to get open.
    But once it opened he then ran out and looked for Leo till he asked where the restroom was as he was directed to the stairs to the side as he ran over and down the stairs fast. Till he was almost to the bottom of the stars Leo came right in the way as he and Raph looked at each other as they bumped into one another as they fall.
    Leo grunted and opened his eyes and to see Raph over him as he gaped and his eyes widened while his whole face got red. " Raph what are you doing! Get off me!"
    Raph looked at then Leo's face as he then started to get up grabbing Leo's arms and pulled him up as Leo pulled his arm away from Raph as he said blushing. " What were you doing running down the stairs like that!"
     " Hey, I wake up with you gone! I am your bodyguard you should have woken me up!" Raph yelled back as they were slightly closer to each other while they continued to yell. " I was just going to the restroom I did need you to be with me 24/7!"
     " you could have woken me up and I could have waited out of the restroom till you came out!"
     " I was trying to be nice and let you rest!" then Leo heard low voices as he looked up the stairs and so did Raph as Leo's face got red again and looked down as he then started up the stairs while he said turning back to him down the stairs. " I need a bodyguard, not a babysitter..."
     So Raph watched him leave and then grunted as he started up the stairs as he started to feel his right leg hurt from that fall as he did land in his knees. He walked up slowly and passed the people as his hands went to his pants pockets while he then went to the elevator as he saw Leo looking away but had his foot out so the door would stay open as Raph then stood there. " You coming Raph or not?"
    Raph then went in and he pressed the button as the door closed while Leo still kept his face away from Raph's as he then leaned back on the wall. " I see you like to make a scene."
    Leo blushed more and said crossing his arms fast. " Shut up..."


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