Chapter 12

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       Leo sat there on the floor of his father's place in the living room as Mikey was in the kitchen helping Splinter cooking. Leo sat there looking at his teacup in his hand as he would be in a deep thought while he remembered him coughing blood the first time today.
    His hands clenched hard as he didn't know what to say as he then closed his eyes not wanting to worry his family. ' why me... I have always been a good person my whole life... Why am I the one of few that gets infected...'
    " Hey, Leo... Leo?" Mikey said coming as he placed his hand on Leo's shoulder as Leo opened his eyes and turned to see Mikey there. " You alright?"
    Leo wanted to tell them but he just smiled and nods after saying. " Yeah..."
    " Splinter wanted to know which tea to make next?" Leo looked at his tea and said looking at him. " just more herbal tea. "
    Mikey nods his head and walked back into the kitchen and Leo instantly started to cough yet again as he used his hand again as he looked at it seeing the blood again as he whipped his mouth then stood put to the bathroom and watched his hands to also get some water in his mouth to get the blood taste out of his mouth as he rinsed it then spit it in the sink then looked at himself in the mirror as he did not look too good.
     ' darn it...' Leo thought to himself as he gripped the sinks corners wanting this to just stop.

~ ~ ~
     Raph was at home while Donnie was looking at his arm while Raph had his eyes closed feeling it hurt from Donnie moving it. " You did worry me when you didn't come last night. "
     " Sorry, I had too much to drink and don't want to fight with dad again..." Raph said as he remembered the kiss again as he blushed a little as that got Donnie's attention when he then said making Raph look to him. " did you finally meet someone?"
    Raph blushed at his little brother and looked away again. " What the hell makes you say that..."
    " Haha come on you nearly blush at anything and here you are gone all night and blushing also not paying any attention. You got to tell me what happened."
    Raph looked at his little brother and said after making a sign. " I went for a walk and went to someone's place... And I stayed drinking a few as it led us to kiss till I fell asleep..."
    " That's it?" Donnie asked as Raph frowned at him. " What are you hoping we had sex?"
    Donnie laughed as he said leaning a little back. " Yes. You are always a man that does not hold back on sex with others."
     "This one was different... I don't know what to think or to say when I see that person again..." Donnie then saw Raph looked so confused. " Darn you like this one badly... Aww, my older brother is in love. "
     Donnie said as if teasing him while he looked to Donnie blushing hard. " Like hell... Why would I be in love..."
    " It happens Raph... It can happen mostly the unexpected... Like me." Raph then saw Donnie smiling as he blushed. " You like someone?"
   " Yeah. We met actually a few months ago..." Donnie said as if really happy as he closed his eyes as if remembering.
    " Who is it?" Donnie opened his eyes and looked at Raph. " His name is Michelangelo Hamato. "
     Raph's eyes widen while he saw his little brother smile. " I know your not to fond of two men together but Mikey just makes me smile all the time and he is very sweet. "
     Raph looked down and clenched his right hand as he said as if cold. " But he is an Hamato..."
    " So... Our father is an enemy to them, not me... Or you. " Raph didn't know what to think as he looked at his clenched hand. " if dad finds out about you Donnie..."
    "I know... But I trust you enough to not tell him." Raph closed his eyes and stood up. " Raph?"
    " I need to be alone right now..." then he starts out of Donnie's room as he walked down the hall. ' Donnie was with Mikey this whole time... And I might be in love with Leo... Dad would kill us...'
    Then once to his room, he went in and closed his door locking it while he then slides his back shell down the door as he sitting to the ground. ' Leo...'
    He then closed his eyes and leaned his head back to the door while he then remembered their kiss again as he blushed feeling his cheeks get red and warm. ' Why you... Why did you have to be the CEO of the Hamato's... Why Leo?'
      Raph then opened his eyes and let out a slight breath as he looked up at his ceiling not sure what to think. But he knew he would not tell his dad about Donnie and Mikey.
     " What am I doing... Leo what should I do..." he asked very low as his hand then went to his face.

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