Chapter 51

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     Raph decided to stay in the hospital as he would be starting therapy with Usagi as Leo tried to have Raph come home since it was passed a month sense Raph had the surgery. His leg was mostly healed as Leo was just getting onto Raph's room.
   Raph was getting dressed as he heard his door and turned to see Leo coming in as Raph said smirking. " Look who finally came to see me."
    " Shut up... I had a meeting..." Leo said looking away as Raph got his hand to Leo's pulling Leo to him as Raph hugged Leo leaning his head to Leo's stomach. " I was just joking Leo."
    He looked to Raph as he hugged back. " I just wish you would come home..."
    " You know I'm not till I can walk again..." Raph said looking at Leo as he pulled away from Raph. " But it's so depressing without you there... Hell, I miss our drama."
    " Well once I'm better we can fight all day and night then do some makeup sex. " Raph smirked as Leo blushed and got out of Raph's hands reach crossing his arms. " hey get back here..."
   Leo looked to Raph as he saw how Raph had a sad face as he had his hands out trying to reach him. " Oh, why did you want to be here for my first therapy anyway?"
    Leo blushed a little and said as he sounded nervous. " Because I wanted to make sure you don't try to beat his ass or yours..."
    Raph looked confused. " why would I do that?"
    " Because... He is my ex... The one that bit my neck..." Leo said looking to Raph as he saw Raph look calm.
    Then the doors opened as Usagi came in and looked surprised to see Leo there while he then saw Raph look to him. " Hello, I'm Mr. Usagi... I'll be your therapist Mr. Oroku..."
   Raph could hear how nervous Usagi was as he said out. " Calm down I'm not going to kill you..."
    Usagi looked at Leo as he said. " He knows Usagi."
    Raph then looked to then two as he said. " So am I going or what?"
    Usagi saw Leo help Raph to get in the wheelchair as Raph used his hands to move around using the wheels. Leo then stood behind Raph as Usagi stood by Raph. " So we will use the poles to see if you can keep up long and once we get passed that we will start getting you ready to head home."
    As they got in the room Leo took the seat as he watched Raph get to the starting line as Usagi stood by him. " Alright let's see if you can get up."
    Raph got his hands on the arms of the wheelchair as he pushed himself up. Leo stood there watching Raph trying hard to get up and hold the poles as he did but Leo could see Raph was using all his arms muscles to just stay as his musculus where just showing making Leo blush a little but still felt the guilt.
   Till Leo then saw the two arguing as Leo was about to get up till he heard them. " I know how to walk you stupid rabbit!"
    " And I know that your feet are not moving so you are not doing it right!" Leo blinked at the two then chuckled when that got the twos attentions as Leo then busted laughing. " What's funny?"
    Leo looked at Raph asking that as he stood up. " Because I'm here scared you would fight about me but here you are fighting about how to use your feet hahaha."
    They two looked to Leo as he would continue to keep laughing.

~ ~ ~
    When the therapy was over Raph was back in his bed sitting there while Leo sat by him. " I'm sure you will move your feet next time."
    " Yeah..." Leo looks to Raph as Raph said being serious. " I want to come home... But I will be just a burden..."
    " Raph that's not true..." Leo said getting up as he looked to Raph. " You are never a burden and you will be strong to get thru this... You still have another month before it is sure you can't walk..."
    Raph closed his eyes and got his arms behind his head. " I know... Thank you, Leo."
    Leo looks to Raph and got on Raph's lap making Raph open his eyes looking up to him. " I'm here for you Raph... And I want to be in the future too."
    Raph looked to Leo as he got a hand to Leo's cheek creasing it. " this will get better. I feel it, Leo... And knowing you supporting me makes me believe in this feeling more."
    Leo leaned in as he kissed Raph while Raph kissed back but he was lying knowing Leo would feel bad and sad in which Raph didn't want to hurt Leo anymore.

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