Chapter 1

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"You're a waste of time (Y/N), let's stop dating." your eyes welled up with tears as your boyfriend of three months walked away from you with a frown. "W-Wait a second, w-whatever I did I can make it better please don't-" You ran towards him only to trip over your own feet. He stopped walking turning to you with a smirk. Your tears were now flowing freely completely torn at your current situation.

 "I think it's time I confessed something. " You looked up as two other girls walked out from behind you. "W-What's going on?" you asked shakily.

"The thing is we thought you were so pathetic." the first girl said. You looked over her figure, a perfectly slim body, nice size chest, flawless skin and long flowing blond hair. Her friend looked just as beautiful.

"So we asked Yuji-kun here to play a little pretend with you." the next girl said with a wicked smile.

"What...." You turned to your now ex-boyfriend looking for some type of remorseful look at least. His smile only widened. "It wasn't even worth what they were paying me, honestly."

You had always been a quiet person, only talking when spoken to. Your scores in school were above average but because of your shy nature it had been rather difficult to make friends. 

You almost couldn't believe it when one of your school's cutest boys had asked you out. You had been hesitant at first but later you were quite elated to have gained the attention of the male and hastily said yes. Things had been going good, at least you thought they were, completely oblivious to the truth behind his proposal. They had paid him to date you, just so they could laugh.

You stood up wiping the tears from your eyes, fist clenched you looked at your feet."This whole time I thought he actually..."

They laughed as you walked closer. The first girl had flinched when you stood directly in front of her. Eyes downcast you said nothing moving past them without a second glance.

"Just wait till the rest of the school hears about this." you heard the blond say. You didn't even bother to respond, what was the use.

That afternoon you had walked home alone, it felt almost humorous. Why had you thought things would change. It was ridiculous.

 Your eyes were dull as you walked, no emotion present. Your vision was firmly planted on the ground not caring when people had walked by bumping your shoulder every now and then. Your body would definitely hurt later from some of the painful shoves you were receiving. But that would be minor compared to what your heart felt like right now.

"You're a waste of time."

"We thought you were so pathetic."

"It wasn't even worth what they were paying me."

Their words echoed in your head as your heart continued to break. "Why did this happened to me..."

Eyed still trained on the floor you hadn't seen the figure in front of you, colliding with something hard. You grunted softly, stepping back.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" an angered voice yelled. You stumbled back apologizing. "I-I'm s-sorry sir." you mumbled meekly. "Great now this thug is going to pick a fight." You didn't even see the individual's face just assuming he was some kind of gang leader from the sound of his voice. You kept your gaze down trying to get away without a scuffle.

"Why the hell won't you look me in the eye, at least face me when you apologize" the man sounded like he was getting more agitated by the minute. You gasped when he grabbed your hand forcing you to look up. 

You grimaced, he was a thug after all. He grinned pulling you closer. " I don't think just an apology will do, I want something else." you panicked when you felt his hand tighten around your wrist as he brought you closer to his mouth. Frightened you started thrashing about to get out of his grasp. You looked over at the people that walked by hoping someone would step in and help. No one did anything. They kept walking like nothing was happening as the bigger man pushed you roughly against the wall. "How about a little taste." he commented moving closer as his hand landed on your your thigh.


Closing your eyes you felt tears prickling again. 

No one was going to help you. 

You jolted when you heard the sound of a body hitting the floor. A cry of pain was heard causing you to open your eyes. You could no longer the feel of the thug's hand on your skin, which you guessed had been floored by the orange haired teen that stood just a couple of feet away from you with his leg raised in the air. A number of onlookers had stopped to watch the scene.

"I don't think she wanted your grimy hands on her." the bright haired boy said with a bored expression. The man on the ground stood up with a red imprint now etched on his face.

"You damn brat I'll teach you a lesson!!" the man yelled charging at the boy. You stared in awe as the teen swiped his leg to the right as soon as the male was within range. The man pitched back at the force of the kick, knocking right into a wall not to far away as he collapsed unconscious on the floor.

"That'll teach you, damn perv.." the orangenette muttered under his breath. The people watching were just as stunned as you, although you felt a little irritated that the very ones who were staring hadn't moved an inch to help when you were in trouble.

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