Chapter 34

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"I see training is going well." Shinji appeared out of nowhere. His froze when he laid eyes on your mother. "I-Izumi!!" your mother turned at the voice calling her name, eyes widening in recognition. "H-Hirako-san!?!" You were deeply confused. Kai looked a little annoyed. He shuffled forward with an irritated look. "How do you know my wife?" you were wondering the same. A broad smile stretched on your mother's face.

"Hirako-san saved me back when I was in high school, it was before I met you Kai. I had just started seeing hollows. I didn't really understand it and he helped." She smiled walking over to Shinji.

"It's been a long time, it's seems the world really is a small place. You grew up really beautiful." Your mother blushed, you were a bit shocked. His words actually sounded sincere, not the usual flirting he always did. He was looking at her with a strange expression, almost like the look you'd wear after seeing a long lost loved one. You felt a bit unnerved at the atmosphere that was now forming. 

"Did Shinji and mama have some kind of..." you shivered uncomfortably just thinking about it. "So he was the reaper you told me about...the one who saved you.." Kai spoke. Izumi nodded as he walked up behind her. "Well thank you for what you did, I might not have met her if it wasn't for you Shinji-san." Shinji gave a nod.

"Things just keep getting interesting don't they." he laughed scratching his head awkwardly.

After such a surprise everyone had gathered at Kisuke's. You all sat down around his table exchanging information. Hiyori sat on the far end of the table away from you. You had a feeling she was still pissed about the whole zampaktou incident. Tessai walked in setting down some cups of tea. Orihime was chatting happily with Ichigo, you looked over at her smiling but she just avoided your gaze. You blinked. "Why is she acting so cold to me..." before you could question it your father spoke.

"There is something I think would help you all understand (Y/N)'s situation." your full attention turned on your father. There was a lot of things you were now questioning. After what happened with Hiyori's zampaktou you were curious.

His eyes shifted to his lap as he continued. "My mother... was also a victim of Aizen's experiments." Ichigo's gaze hardened as well as Shinji and Hiyori. Kensei grunted. 

"That bastard.."

"W-What!" you looked over at your father in shock. His eyes were shaking, he looked about ready to cry. "She had met him after a hollows attack, he protected her and made her believe that she was special to him. He conducted experiment on her. Told her he was trying to help her so she wouldn't be a target for hollows. When he got the chance, he messed with her body's chemical components. My mother possessed a large amount of reiatsu, much like myself. I inherited it from her." He swallowed. 

"He used her for his own personal entertainment. When she figured out what was going on, she fled. It turned out he was the one who sent the hollow after her in the first place. He needed it to look like he was someone she could trust." Kisuke raised his fan listening intently.

 "He's very good at pretending." Rukia spoke with contempt. Kai nodded.

 "She actually managed to escape and some years after she started a family...I was born. When I started to display certain abilities, she told me everything. She warned me of Aizen, of his greed for power. That very day when I got back from class...both my parents had been killed." you sucked in a breath when you felt a sudden spike in pressure. 

Orihime's saddened eyes directed at the floor, along with the rest of them. "I have no doubt that Aizen was the one that killed them." Shinji's hand clenched his blade. "Our job as reapers are to preserve and guide souls...not take them..." he muttered. The other Visoreds looked just as pissed.

"What did he do to her?" Kisuke questioned. You father faltered for a second. Izumi's hand moved taking his, comforting him.

"He..tried to use her reiatsu to... replicate the aspects of a zampaktou." Hiyori raised with an incredulous look. "T-That's impossible to mimic!!" Kai shook his head. "No..he did something to her, it wasn't what he had expected but in a sense he found a way, she portrayed similar traits of a zampaktou." Kai's eyes turned on you. You shifted back slightly. Ishida's glasses, glinted as if putting it together. Kisuke gave an inquisitive look. 

"I..think I understand."

"W-What? I don't understand.." you stammered in confusion.

Kai sighed. "The reason you can communicate with the zampaktou spirits of other're spiritual pressure is the same as my mother's. You're reiatsu is quite the same to a zampaktou. You inherited that gene she received from Aizen." he explained. Your throat tightened.

"That actually makes a lot of sense." Rukia said thoughtfully.

"That's why your body can withstand vigorous hours of training, why you are so good at tolerating pain. A zampaktou is the makeup of it's master's strength. Since you were born naturally..."

"I'm like a zampaktou without a master.." you whispered. Kai nodded hesitantly. 


The room was enveloped with silence, everyone just waiting for you to say something. Your head lowered as you stood. "I see...please excuse me.."you mumbled softly. You  turned your back walking off. Ichigo shot up to follow. "(Y-Y/N) w-" Kai stopped him. "Let her be..she needs some time to think." he advised. You didn't say a word, just slid open the door walking out. 

Ichigo's jaw locked watching you go. 

"It's for the best, she needs to get a piece of mind Ichigo. Something like that is not easy to accept." Zangetsu commented. 

Ichigo didn't say a word, he just sat back down with a frown. 

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