Chapter 67

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The memory made Ichigo's heart constrict. He kept hoping he would wake up and you would be there. Maybe kissing him awake like you did in his room, or at the warehouse. That same happy innocence radiating from your eyes. You were so bright, then shy, bold and funny. Every part of you drew him in. He wanted to see your face again. Touch your lips, your skin. Hold you in his arms and never let go. But he couldn't, because you were gone.

"Emergency, in the 12 Division. All captains in the area please assist." Ichigo flinched when he heard the announcement. A hell butterfly fluttered right past his head. His eyes drifted to the building that was smoking a distance away.

"What's going on..."

"Ichigo!!" his head turned at the voice. "Jushiro? What's with the announcement?"

"There was a breach, apparently something blew up some test tubes in Mayuri's lab. I'm heading over there now."

"I'm coming." Ichigo said as they both disappeared.


"Taicho she's gone!" Akon looked left and right, but the female was gone as quick as she appeared. Mayuri looked down at the water that covered the floor.

"How is she still breathing, we didn't get any type of reading from her." Akon asked.

"Save the questions for later, right now we should work on getting her back. " Mayuri said.

"Get Nemu here too." Mayuri ordered. Akon nodded. "Yes captain."


"Did you feel that captain?" Byakuya looked over at his red haired Lieutenant.

"It appears someone has gotten into the Soul Society. " Renji nodded.

"It feels kinda like that time Ichigo and his friends first came here."

Byakuya's mind trailed back to the memory, it wasn't exactly the best one he had. "I recall." Byakuya stated. Byakuya's eyes moved to the door. "What's this energy." He directed his eyes down at his blade. It was pulsing, almost like something was calling him. 

"Whoever it is, has come here." Renji flinched. "What?!" He rushed behind his captain as they walked outside. Byakuya slid the door open.  Renji looked on in shock at the girl that was standing before them outside his squad barracks. Renji's hand moved to his sword almost instinctively.

"What do you want." Byakuya asked. The female was wearing white clothing, similar to those he often saw at Unohana's squad. She used those robes specifically for patients.

"Where am I." the girl demanded. "Who are you?" she asked. Renji clenched his teeth. "You have some nerve barging in here and asking questions. " He lifted his sword. "Surrender and this won't get worse for you. The entire Soul Society has probably already been alerted of your presence."

"S-Soul Society!!" you gasped. Your eyes darted to his blade. Then they shifted to the man standing behind him. He didn't seem the least bit worried. His eyes were so stoic. You narrowed your gaze on him. "H-He looks familiar..." you didn't know the two men in front of you, so you couldn't trust them. 

"Maybe their weapons. They could help." You focused. 

"P-Please help me, I mean no harm. I'm looking for my friends, do you know them?" 

Renji looked at you skeptically. You were just staring at Byakuya's zampaktou in concentration.

"How are you able to talk to me? Only my master has.." you shook your head. You didn't have time to explain.

"P-Please, I'm so scared. I-I just want to find my friends. Rukia and Ichigo!"

"Rukia...Rukia Kuchiki, You know my master sister?" Your eyes widened. "His sister!" you said out loud. Renji gave you a confused look. "You are Rukia's brother!!" you said pointing at Byakuya. His eyes open a fraction wider. 

"How do you know that?"

"S-Senbonzakura said that you're.. You can help me please!!" you begged.

"H-How does she know the name of your zampaktou captain?" Renji asked. Byakuya finally really looked at you this time. The pieces seemed to be falling together in  his head. You're energy, the pulsing of his blade like a beacon.

 "It's you, you're that girl from the war against Aizen. You're the human zampaktou." your eyes lit up.

"S-So Aizen is really dead!! A-And I'm back. I-I need to find my parents I-I need to find Ichi-"Your chest gave a sudden pull and you staggered, tumbling forward. Renji jumped, catching you before you fell. Your eyes shook in pain. You looked up at him with pleading eyes. 

"P-Please...I need Ichigo....I...nee.." your words trailed off as you fell unconscious. Renji picked you up, holding you securely in his arms.

"S-She the one that...but she's supossed to be dead." Renji muttered. 

"Indeed." Byakuya confirmed. 

"We need to get her to the Head Captain. Notify all the captains. (Y/N) (L/N) is very much alive. " Renji nodded. 

"Yes captain. " they both took off. 

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