Chapter 47

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"Is she still unconscious?" Everyone was huddled around your body. You were breathing, but your eyes were still closed. 

Ichigo was right at your side. 

"She'll be fine. She has to be."

"So you found her." Ichigo turned when he saw Kai. The older male stood holding his shoulder.It was evident that he was still very much affected from the battle. Ichigo's eyes hardened. "Bastard!" he clenched his fist and Rukia moved forward standing between Ichigo and Kai. She glared at the orange haired male. "I'm not dealing with this again. Now is not the time." she said sternly.

Yuki walked out, looking at her husband with trembling eyes. Kai turned his head away in shame. "I did what I needed to. I'm sorry if you don't agree." he said stubbornly. Yuki frowned as she marched towards him. He looked up preparing for the worst. She raised her hand ,slapping him across the face. He took it without a word and everyone watched in shock. Kai kept his head low as she started to cry. "Y-You had no right! She is my daughter too yet you made a decision like that without me!! You put her through more pain!" Yuki yelled.

"She was scared and alone, I COULD HAVE LOST HER! I-I COULD HAVE LOST YOU!!" she shouted, grabbing Kai by the front of his shirt. Everyone fell silent when Yuki pulled him forward pressing her lips to his. Kai's eyes widen at the action. When he saw the fresh tears still running down the females cheeks he returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. Yuki pulled away slowly after a moment. When she released his clothing she smiled at him, right before a dark look took over her face. Kai paled.

"Oh shit."

"YOU BASTARD!!" she yelled, grabbing him by the collar as she smacked him back and forth.

Everyone present sweatdropped. "Poor guy." Shinji mumbled.


After Kai's vicious beating everyone had returned their focus to (Y/N). Your eyes were still closed, but your breathing seemed a lot more evened.

"We can just wait, she needs rest, she should be fine in a few hours. Right now I suggest everyone get some rest. We're going to need it." Toshiro instructed. Ichigo nodded.

He turned to Yuki. "You can get some rest, I'll look after her. " he advised. Yuki looked hesitant on leaving your side, but she caved when she saw the look in Ichigo's eyes. She smiled. "Take care of her." Yuki bowed, grabbing Kai's hand.

"You have a lot to look forward to when we get home. " She said threateningly. Kai swallowed as he exited. Slowly one by one everyone started to leave. Rukia looked over at Ichigo.

She knew for a fact he wouldn't leave your side until you woke up. She moved over to him.

"She'll be fine Ichigo. She's strong." Rukia gave an encouraging smile as she followed the rest of them, turning for the day. Ichigo's eyes looked back at you.

"I can sense her reiatsu, she's fine Ichigo." Zangetsu said in relief. Ichigo felt better as he sat down just watching your sleeping form.

"I'll be right here when you wake up, don't worry (Y/N)." He took your hand softly in his, the warmth of your skin brought him comfort.

"Welcome back (Y/N)." Zangetsu said softly. 

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