Chapter 31

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Slight warning for this one XD Nothing to explicit...maybe. Tehee.

Ichigo woke a couple hours later with an aching in his stomach.  

Aside from the obvious, he seemed fine. Since then he hadn't looked at you. You knew why he was avoiding you. It was pretty selfish to pick a fight where you knew you would get a bad beating. You always told him you hated seeing him so bruised and battered all the time, yet you went ahead and did the same.

Then there was the issue with Hiyori. You didn't know exactly your dad said to her but she hadn't uttered a single insult since you woke.

Ichigo had been in one of the rooms at the warehouse. You were determined to confront him. With your dad around you knew you wouldn't have much time.

You pulled open the door Shinji had guided you to. He was making you a bit uneasy, usually he never paid much mind to you. Other than the casual flirting he did with every female he encountered he was pretty relaxed around you. Now it felt like he was watching you like a hawk.

"I-Is there a problem? You keep staring at me..." Shinji blinked, scratching his head with an embarrassed smile. "It's nothing! When you're done we'll be outside." And just like that he was sprinting off to meet up with the others. You sighed placing your hand on the knob as you pulled it open. You caught sight of him as soon as you entered. He was seated on the bed that was close to the window directly in front of him.

Ichigo's back was facing in your direction. His shinigami robes had been pulled down at the top. His bare back was exposed to you. You could see the defined muscles that rippled as he shifting his shoulders, stretching his sore body. A couple of dark red and blue marks were present. He grunted softly hunching over clearly in pain. Just moving his body must have been painful. Who knows how long Hiyori had been knocking him around for.

"I'm fine Orihime, you don't have to heal my wounds, just make sure (Y/N) is fine." You sighed at his words. "Even with those injuries..he's worried about me.." It pained to know what he was going through.

"Ichigo." you called softly shutting the door. You saw his shoulders visibly tense at the sound of your voice. His head looked to the side as he stayed silent. Moving forward you walked until you were standing where you could see his face.

He refused to meet your eyes and you understood completely. You took a seat right next to him.

"I...." you weren't sure what you were going to say.

"I'm sorry." you finally breathed. "I-I was selfish, I knew she would hurt me and I still rushed in e-even though you were worried about me. I-I can't imagine how scary it must have been seeing me unconscious on the ground with that wound."

His hand that was firmly planted on the side gripped the sheets tightly.

"I was just so pissed with the way she treated you. Does she have to be so harsh!!" you shouted pissed. Breathing out a calm breath you continued.

"I-I didn't like seeing you hurt and I unintentionally made you feel the same way I do  every time  you leave to train with them. For that, I'm really sorry Ichigo." Silence filled the room until Ichigo broke it.

"That's not good enough." You frowned at his response. 

"I-I said sorry w-what more do you want!" you cried out frustrated.

In seconds you were pinned to the bed. Both your arms were bound above your head. You stared up shocked when you noticed something.

"His eyes are..." Ichigo's eyes were yellow, black surrounding the his golden pupils.

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