Chapter 38

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All eyes watched, as your body gave off a dark violet glow. Shinji's eyes never left you.

"Do you feel that?" He whispered to the others around him. Kai nodded. 

"Her reiatsu, it's converting, becoming the same as your own. " Kai replied. Kensei looked impressed.

"It's amazing that she can mimic that, power like that would definitely kill a regular human. Even a reaper would have trouble maintaining that. " Ichigo's eyebrows raised. "What do you mean?" Ishida gave a sigh. "Even if you try to explain it to him, he won't understand."

"You trying to say I'm stupid!!!" He hollered pissed.

"I'm not trying to say anything. "

"Come at four eyes, I'll take you right now!"

"No problem, I'm ready whenever you are!" Ishida retaliated.

Orihime laughed nervously. "C-Come on, let's not fight.." Kai grinned slightly. 

"That boy....does remind me a little of myself. I'm sure his father must be just as hard headed as he is."

The thought made Kai laugh internally. "What Muguruma-san is trying to say, is that managing one's own reiatsu is a task in itself. It takes reapers years to achieve bankai, because it requires a great amount if control and balance. "Ichigo nodded. 

"I understand that."

"Right, so imagine changing your body to adjust to someone else's power." Ichigo's eyes opened slightly. "Y-Yeah, I guess that would be really hard." Kai gave a nod. 

"Every time she does this, I have to admit I'm scared. She hasn't displayed any kind of effects yet but, I can't imagine doing this has no consequences." Now Ichigo was worried. What if every time you did this it was affecting you internally. "W-We should stop her." When Ichigo moved to step forward, Kai grabbed his hand. "Don't, even if you try to stop her, she won't. You really think I want to see my daughter fight in this war?" Ichigo froze, looking down.

"No one wants this battle to end more than me, I need my family to be safe. So we must fight. For the sake of everyone we fight, and we defeat that coward named Aizen." Kai released Ichigo's hand. 

"Do you understand?" Ichigo nodded, eyes training on you.


"Will you help me?"  You questioned. "I don't wish for Shinji to get hurt in this battle. I will assist. When you need me, just call my name and I'll come. Until then, I serve only my master." You smiled. "I understand. Thank you Sakanade."

"No problem, (Y/N)." you blinked.

"Hey, before I go, Can I ask a question?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"How do you know my name? When I talked with Kubi last time, she knew my name too." The zanpaktou chuckled. " How do you know my name, I never told you, neither did Shinji." Your eyes widened. "I-I actually don't know.." you said wistfully. 

"You are linked to us because you're the same as us. We connect in ways I myself may not ever be able to understand. "

"That's!" Sakanade laughed. "It's amazing that you think so, most people would not be taking this so calmly. You do understand there is danger that comes with your abilities." Your eyes turned serious. " What kind of danger?" Sakanade sighed. 

"You will revert back if you continue to use this power so frequently. "

"R-Revert back? What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry..."

"W-Wait! Answer me, what do you mean rever-" your eyes shot open. You released the blade in your hand. The metal clattered to the floor, alerting everyone. Shinji picked it up, looking at you in alarm. "Are you alright!! Did-" you shook your head. "No, Sakanade accepted me." you confirmed. Shinji sighed. 

"That's good." You smiled at him. "When we need help, she says she'd assist. Until then, she just wants you yeilding her. It's kinda cute actually." Shinji looked a bit surprised at the inforamtion. He gave a soft smile as he ran his hand down the blade. "I-I didn't expect that, I guess my zanpaktou is more fond of me than I thought."

You nodded. Kai's eyes stared you down. "Why did you look so panicked when you came out, did something else happen?" You flinched at the question.

"I-I can't tell them." You knew for a fact your father wouldn't let you fight if he thought just using you abilities was harming you. Everyone looked at you expectantly. "I-I just was overwhelmed I guess. Shinji's zanpaktou was a bit stronger than I anticipated." you covered. You hoped they bought your words. When you looked over your father had a contemplative look.

"She's hiding something." he didn't push, when you were alone, he would question you.

"We should really give you more credit, you really are incredible." You blushed at Ichigo's words.

"T-Thanks.." you muttered. Your face fell.

"I need to fight, no matter what."

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