Chapter 55

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You all move together, attacking separately and sometimes together, just enough to hold off Aizen. He doesn't even look like he's trying, and you could tell the sight is irritating Hiyori, she keeps her head in the game though. "Stay on it." you mentally encourage. 

"Just until-"

You head darts up when you hear the familiar yell.

"Getsuga Tensho!!!" A dark wave of energy appears out of thin air and you all watch as it steers right for Aizen. He flicks his hand, batting it away easily. 

"Ichigo!!" you call in relief. You peer up but your smile drops when you realize he is wearing his mask.

"N-No...Tensa what's wrong!!" you cry out. He doesn't reply and you feel like you're about to cry. " 

He wasn't there yet. Ichigo couldn't defeat him like this.

Your barrier wavers, and they all notice. You stagger in the air when your shield is dropped. The energy around everyone's blades falters and you gasp in fear.


Aizen doesn't waste time, he was behind you in seconds. He grabbed your shoulder, one hand hooked around your waist, the other around your neck. You froze, terrified. He chuckled darkly, leaning next to your ear. You grimaced when he whispered something below your ear and you stiffened.

"(Y/N)!!!" Ichigo rushed forward, swiping at Aizen. You took the opportunity to bring your shield back up. Aizen was forced backwards. You jumped into Ichigo's arms in an instant. He smiled relieved, lowering his mask for a moment. 

"Are you alright?" he asked, checking you over. You nodded. "I'm fine, that was a close one. " Ichigo's eyes softened and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours urgently. You returned it, despite being in the middle of a battle.


General Pov

"We can't approach, he could kill her in an instant." Shinji reasoned. Ichigo was gripping his sword painfully as he watched you clenched in Aizen's hold. You weren't moving. And they weren't close enough to hear what Aizen was saying. When Aizen leaned down to whisper into your ear Ichigo saw you visibly tense.

"D-Dammit let her go!!" Ichigo was pissed. He almost stopped breathing when you turned slowly in Aizen's arms. "Ichigo." you said softly. You leaned forward pressing an urgent kiss to Aizen's lips. Everyone stared stunned. Ichigo's eyes blazed. "BASTARD!!" he roared. Aizen looked as surprised as everyone else. He returned the action smirking. When he pulled away, he licked his lips. "I had no idea the both of you had such an intimate relationship. What a pleasant surprise. " Aizen taunted. He looked down as you stared at him with love. "I'll have fun toying with her." he stroked your cheek and you smiled.

"Getsuga...Tensho.." you whispered. "

Aizen's eyes looked up in alarm when your hand raised at his head. He flash stepped, releasing his hold on you to avoid the attack. When he was a safe distance away he glared at you. Ichigo and the others' eyes were wide.

"How did you break out of it." Aizen asks, you smirked. " My shield was down, so when you released your shikai I could tell. At first I didn't know, but then I could feel it. Even though losing my shield made me vulnerable to it, it made you vulnerable as well. As soon as I realized, I readjusted it." he smirked, despite his annoyance. "Clever." you grinned.

"Not so much, besides, Ichigo is a much better kisser. " you chuckled. His gaze hardened on you and you jumped back to the others. Ichigo took your hand. "I'm sorry, I kissed him." you said ashamed. "I only broke out of it after he kissed me and I thought it was you, I-I though-" he pulled you in for a kiss silencing you. Toshiro looked away coughing, along with a few of the others. Ichigo pulled back. "I'll punish you later." he promised with a smile. You returned his smile with rosy cheeks.

"Enough of the lovey dovey crap the world is ending dammit!!" Hiyori shrieked.

"Can't I have this moment snaggletooth!!" Ichigo fired back. You giggled.

"She's right, let's clean up the trash first." Shinji laughed.



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