Chapter 35

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"(Y/N)." your head lowered. You weren't sure how you were supposed to respond to the new information. "I need to...get some air." you whispered. You stood, eyes downcast. Ichigo stood to follow but Kai grabbed his hand. Ichigo's eyes turned. Kai shook his head, not saying a word. The both watched as you exited the warehouse.


"I can't believe this...Dad has been living with this for so long." A heavy breath left you. You kicked your feet aimlessly, unsure of what to do. " A part of you felt like you'd never really be the same. Truthfully, you were like this since birth, it shouldn't matter now. Yet... you felt different.

Another thing that was weighing was the look Ichigo wore. He was...scared? You weren't sure if it was because he heard you were like a zampaktou or because he feared Aizen would come after you. For some reason you were praying for the latter.

"Are you going to keep moping around." you turned at the voice. Your eyes locked with Kisuke.

"A-Ah, Kisuke-san did you need something? He lifted his head to the sky. "There's no use worrying about unnecessary things. You're questioning yourself now." You didn't reply. How were you supposed to respond to that. "How do you think Ichigo felt when he found out he possessed abilities similar to a hollow. The same species that killed his mother, and almost murdered his sisters. " your eyes shot open.

"I-I never knew about his sisters, h-he never told me that..." your words trailed off. Kisuke shook his head. "Reapers are programmed to resent hollows, do you think Ichigo doesn't question his existence, the same way you are now questioning your own." you looked down. "To be honest, I never thought about it."

"A part of him is linked to a hollow, the same way you are linked to zampaktous. There is nothing you can do about it but embraced it and become stronger. Nothing else is important. " Your eyes wavered. A smile managed to make its way to your face, despite your conflicting feelings. "Thank you for always looking out for me Kisuke. I don't think I would have gotten so far if it wasn't for you." He pulled out his fan looking away. "I merely honed the talent that was already there, no big deal." you grinned, running up behind him as you glomped him.

"You're secretly a tsundere huh Kisuke-san~"

"H-Hey no more hugging!!" you laughed.

You had a feeling you would get passed this, you had so many amazing people around to help. Yo no longer had to feel alone.

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