Chapter 4

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Ichigo's pov

I groaned, Rukia had hit me in the stomach because she claimed I was slacking off. After she knocked me out of my body I had ran off in the direction of the hollow. It wasn't gonna kill itself that was for sure. I was jumping through the air for a while now yet I didn't sense anything.

I was standing in the sky looking around, I could feel it around here. I looked down when I heard a scream. The damn hollow was crushing a girl under it's leg. I flash stepped without a second thought drawing my sword. As soon as I came into it's line of sight I swung my zampaktou not giving it a chance to escape. My sword cut right across it's chest slicing the hollow in half. It let out one last cry as it started to disintegrate in the air.

Sheathing my sword I looked down at the unconscious girl. "I've seen her somewhere before.." My eyes widened in realization. This was the same girl I helped from that thug a couple weeks ago. Her face was bruised and a small trail of blood was trickling from her head as well as her mouth.

"If she doesn't get help now she'll die." lifting her gently into my arms I took off in the direction of Urahara's shop. Hopefully Orihime and the others were still there. "You better hold on, don't you dare die on me."

General pov

Orihime had sat down healing the (Y/N) haired girl as everyone else was gathered around. Chad, Rukia, Uryuu, Yoruichi and Kisuke were sat around just watching the scene. When Ichigo had come barging into the shop Rukia had started shouting but quickly froze when she saw the injured girl in his arms. Without a second thought they had called over Orihime who had thankfully still been at the shop helping out. Getting right to it using Soten Kisshun she starts to deal with the girl's wounds. Orihime eyes had shifted uneasily when she saw the blood seeping from the girl's forehead. She could only imagine what kind of pain that hollow had inflicted on the defenseless girl.

Ichigo was standing over Orihime with an equally pained expression.

"Her body is very weak, I can barely sense anything from her right now." Uryuu spoke breaking the silence. Ichigo's eyes turned cold. "Be quiet she'll pull through!" Ichigo growled out. Uryuu was slightly taken aback by how aggressive Ichigo had spoken.

"He barely knows this girl yet he's agitated." Uryuu was left to ponder as he looked back at the girl.

All of their eyes shot forward when a groan was heard below. Orihime's eyes widen.

"S-She's waking up!"

Rukia gazed at the scene closely. How was she already waking? Orihime's powers were very impressive but a human with such a low amount of spiritual pressure, should've taken at least a week to fully heal from the beaten she received. From what Ichigo described this girl shouldn't be moving for a couple weeks.

They all flinched when (Y/N) released a scream. The sudden noise wasn't what had shocked them. Rukia staggered forward at the sudden burst of reiatsu that enveloped the room.

Orihime fell back, her barrier breaking.

"H-How is she releasing this much power...u-unconscious no less." Rukia voiced trying to ground her feet. Chad let out a grunt as he moved over to help Orihime up. Even the buff male was having difficulty moving. Uryuu groaned internally, he was trying not to show it but the reiatsu was unbearable. 

"It seems your little friend is more than meets the eye." Kisuke chided with a creepy smirk on his face as he fanned himself. Yoruichi sat just observing as her tail swished back and forth.

Ichigo kneeled down looking at her pained expression as she continued to scream out. Her eyes were tightly shut as she thrashed about.

"Damn it your safe, I'll protect you so calm down!!" Ichigo yelled out.

Her screaming stopped and Yoruichi's ears perked up. "He managed to calm her down." Jumping from her spot on the table she moved unto the wooden floor.

Shallow breaths were heard from (Y/N) as she lay still on the floor. Yoruichi licked her paws before she moved closer to the girl licking her cheek. Kisuke  glanced as (Y/N)'s eyebrows knitted together, her eyes slowly opening.

"Ichi...go..." her small voice whispered. He sighed smiling down at her.

 "Your awake, took you long enough." He grinned down as she slowly started to raise in a sitting position.

"Y-You should lay back down your wounds are still healing." Orihime warned. (Y/N) turned to the busty female in confusion.

"W-Wounds?" she questioned. Rukia nodded. "Ichigo told us you took quite a beating from that hollow, it's wise that you rest."

"Hollow..." she looked lost for a second before a flash of fear crossed her face. "T-That monster!!" she cried out.

Ichigo placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as he sat next to her. "Don't worry I got rid of it, your safe." he replied with a confident smile.

She looked on finally realizing the number of people in the room. Shrinking back lightly she gripped onto Ichigo's shirt hiding behind him.

"Eh? Are you afraid of us..." Orihime asked. The question only made her shrink back more.

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