Chapter 58

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Aizen however is struck with something and it throws him off balance, temporarily stunning him. Ichigo grabs you, flash stepping away. He clutches on and you hug him.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." you assure. But you're scared too. You're hugging him for dear life. For a second you weren't sure what would have taken place.

You're at a loss for words when you see the dark hair, and soul reaper attire. 

"I-Isshin-san.." you mumble. He looks back before approaching Ichigo who is just standing with his mouth agape. Isshin retracts and head butts Ichigo.

Ichigo cries out as his head skates on the ground before he catapults off the building. You sweat drop at the scene. Ichigo manages to grab the edge of the building before falling off. But Isshin kicks him again in head harshly, making him fall off.

"Y-You could have handled that different Isshin-san.." you say scratching your head. Isshin just grins wolfishly before turning back to the task at hand. Ichigo now seems to be engaged in a standfoff with Gin.

"Good, he's away from Aizen."

With a flick of his finger, Isshin sends Aizen flying, and you would be lying if you didn't say you were impressed. He fought furiously with Isshin. When they finally stop for a second, you feel the pulsing of energy and you swallow. The sheer power of the Hogyoku is changing him.

When he raises himself out of the rubble, his gaze isn't at Isshin, it's fixed somewhere else. You look up and you swear you've never been so relieved to see the blond shopkeeper.

"It's been a while Aizen." The green striped coat blows with the wind.

"Urahara Kisuke." Aizen says unimpressed. "Yes, over a hundred years." you let out a sigh.

Kisuke's eyes turn to you. "Get to it (Y/N)." you nod.

"I see you realize now don't you." Kisuke directs the question at Aizen, who just turns with a smile.

"I must admit, I was impressed when I got here, it seemed so real." your eyes widen in alarm before they harden. "He figured it out. "

"Figured what?" Ichigo asks.

"This is not Karakura Town. Not the real one at least." Aizen recognizes. "Apparently I wasn't the only one who didn't know."

Isshin and Yoruichi appear at your side. "It's time." you disappear from your spot and reappear close to Ichigo. The orange haired male catches sight of you out of the corner of his eye. 

"(Y/N), get back!" you raise your hand in Gin's direction when the blade extends towards you. It fails, hitting an invisible barrier and Gin frowns.

"My my, I thought you were done for. " You give Gin a cold look. "Don't interfere." you take Ichigo's hand and flash step away. When you reappear Ichigo is stunned at the small rip right before him. It's in the sky. "It's our door to the real Karakura, Aizen is going to find it, we need to get there first. " Isshin, Kisuke and Yoruichi are behind the both of you in a second.

"Get moving. I've only stalled him for a while." Kisuke informs. You all jump through the rip. It's dark and you're clenching unto Ichigo's hand the entire time. You know what's to come when you get to the other side.

The sickening feeling in your stomach rising at what you're about to do.

Your thoughts are interrupted when you all make it through, the blue sky filing your view.

You land on a building, along with Ichigo and the others. When you guys are settled, Ichigo turns to his dad. "Bastard! This whole time you knew!" Isshin looks at you. 

"Sometimes we make choices to protect the ones we care about. Even if it hurts them in the process." You're shocked.

"He told you?" you ask. Isshin nods at your question. They all exchange guilty looks except Ichigo. Even Yoruichi knows what's going on.

"What the hell is going on!!!" Ichigo yells out frustrated.

You turn to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We need you Ichigo. It's always been you. "

"W-Wha..." your hand goes right through his chest, the same way your dad did when he tried to seal you away. The look he gives you makes your heart clench painfully. You pull back your hand when you see his eyelids lower. He falls against you and you lift his weight, lowering him to the ground.

When he's down you place your hand on the hard surface of the building, a thick layer of sweat gathering on your forehead. Your breathing is staggered.

"It's done. He'll get to Tensa this way. " you force out. Your body feels lighter than before. Kisuke recognizes the struggles you're going through to keep yourself upright.

"He'll make it. The worst is done. Now we stall Aizen until Ichigo gets back. Isshin, take them both somewhere secured. Isshin nods and picks Ichigo up, throwing him over his shoulder. You stand, picking up Zangetsu. You shake your head when he offers you a hand.

"I'm fine, let's go."

You all give nods, taking off in opposite directions.

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