Chapter 74

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You stood with Ichigo waiting patiently for someone to answer the door. It was silent for a few minutes, but then the door opened. You blinked. There was no one there. "I-Ichigo?" you questioned. Ichigo stepped in and you followed. "H-Hey! We can't just walk in that's trespassing!" He gave you a blank look. "This is your house. " you sweatdropped.

 "O-Oh yeah.." you scratched your head awkwardly. "If there is no one here who opened the door?" you turned, that's when something jumped on Ichigo's back. "Ichi!!" a voice screamed. You stumbled back falling on your butt in surprise. There was a kid attached to Ichigo's back. Ichigo smiled, reaching over and taking the kid into his hand. "Kazue." he said softly. The infant smiled. He looked no older than two. "Ichi! Ichi!" he said excitedly. You panicked. 

"I-Ichigo I think we have the wrong house!!" you hollered. Ichigo laughed as you scrambled to your feet. The infant turned in your direction and the both of you just stared at each other for a while. You finally really looked at his face. "W-Why does this kid look exactly like.." His face brightened and he yelled out something. "Oni-chan!!" you jumped at his cheerful yell. 

"D-Did he just say..Oni-chan..?" The boy jumped out of Ichigo's hold and you shuffled frantically to catch him. "Oni-chan!!" he said again clutching unto you.

That's when you heard feet running down the steps. "I found him Kai!" the female called. She came rushing around the corner. Her eyes lit up when she saw her son. The smile fell from her lips when she saw who was holding him. Her arms fell at her side, eyes growing wide. Ichigo stepped forward, taking the child from your hands. You nodded gratefully. You mother didn't say a word. When your dad came bolting around the corner your resolve almost fell. He came to an abrupt stop when he saw you. Neither of them spoke. They just stood there in shock.

"M-Mom.." As soon as you spoke she tackled you. You fell back with a yell. "I-Itai.." you mumbled. She was holding unto you so tightly. "My baby.." you could see the tears now staining your shirt. You smiled returning the hug. Your dad was still standing there. He looked so conflicted.

 "Is this..real...are you really here (Y/N).." his words came out hoarsely. It looked like it was a struggle for him to even stand. His legs were shaking. You sat up slowly with your mother. You gave a closed eyed smile. "It's really me dad." That broke him. He dropped to his knees pressing his head to the ground. His shoulders were shaking. "Thank you..thank you for bringing her back.." he kept mumbling as he stayed curled up on the ground. Ichigo watched the scene with a smile. The boy in his hand started laughing. "Oni-chan bankai!!" he cried. You tensed when you felt a wave of reiatsu sweep over your body. You stared in shock when you saw his body glowing blue. Yuki jumped to her feet, grabbing him. "No Kazue." she scolded. He gave an adorable pout and slowly but surely his spiritual pressure lowered. You stared at a loss for words.

"Is he.." your mother gave a smile. "There is..a lot we have to catch you up on." You stood to your feet with curious eyes. Your dad rose to. He stepped over to you. He looked like he was afraid to touch you. You reached out taking his hand and he stiffened at the contact. "I'm real dad. And I'm not going anywhere." you stated. His eyes wavered and he pulled you into his arms. "I love you so much (Y/N)." your eyes softened. "I love you too papa." He clutched on tighter. 

"I'm back.."


You sat in your living room opposite your parents, explaining to them all that had happened. How you came back. "And that's all. I made sure everything was okay, I didn't want you guys to have to suffer more, E-especially after everything that happened." Kai looked down. "I won't lie to you (Y/N), losing killed us.." his words made your chest clench. You bit down on your lip.

"I'm sorry.." Yuki shook her head. "That's not important. You're back. That's all I care about. " she was bouncing Kazue on her lap. His curious eyes kept staring at you with a smile. You could see a couple of his teeth coming in. "Oni-chan!" he giggled. You looked back at your parents. "You..told him about me.." Kai scoffed. "Of course we did. There was no way he would grow up without knowing about his older sister. " you smiled. "He's strong too." Yuki added.

"When he first started displaying abilities I was terrified. I didn't want him too..I didn't want to lose another child. " she lamented. Your gaze lowered. "But there isn't anything we can do but teach him how to control it." Kai added. "I'm not going to seal his power away, I didn't want him to suffer the way you had to for all those years. I wanted to get it right this time. " Yuki nodded.

"He's a fast learner. He already knows how to use flash step. We've been chasing him around the house all day. " she said laughing. You chuckled. "I kinda figured. He was the one who opened the door. " Ichigo said. Kai's eyes widened. "He opened the door, good job!" Yuki smacked his head. "That's nothing to congratulate!" She yelled. He rubbed his head with a glare.

"What are you worried about. Somebody would be crazy to kidnap him, the kid's a pest." She smacked him again and you laughed. "Anyway, would you like to hold him." you blinked.

"A-Ah, sure." you answered. She was about to pass him to you but he disappeared. You gasped when he suddenly landed in your lap. Yuki grinned. "He's eager to meet his older sister." She leaned back and you raised him up. " you gave an awkward smile. "H-Hey there little guy." Kazue gave you a smile, his chubby cheeks turning red. "Oni-chan." he spoke, reaching out to touch your face. You smiled, pulling him close as you hugged him. You rubbed your cheek against his. "That's right, I'm your Oni-chan. " you spoke wistfully. He bubbled.

"I promise I'll protect you Kazue. I won't let anything happen to you." you pulled back looking at the innocence that reflected in his gaze. Your parents looked at the scene with loving gazes.

"Thank you Kurosaki-kun." Kai said Ichigo looked up stunned. "I-I didn't do anything." he said waving his hand around. Kai shook his head. "You opened my eyes. If it wasn't for you my daughter would have never gotten out of her shell. You taught her to be brave and fearless. We'd probably still be on bad speaking terms if not for your intervention. Even after she was still came to make sure we were okay. You've done so much for my family. Thank you for everything. " Ichigo smiled.

"Thank you for bringing (Y/N) into this world Kai-san, Yuki-san." They smiled at him and so did you. You were happier than ever. Everything was finally going to be okay. You had your family back, along with a little brother who you already loved to death. You had Ichigo back. 

This was all you ever wanted and more. You couldn't ask for anything else. 


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