Chapter 16

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Ichigo was walking with you as usual. You laughed along as he told you about the antics that usually went on in his house. His dad was the funniest guy you had ever met, you could tell he loved Ichigo and his daughters dearly. It was heartwarming, you only wished you had such a loving relationship with your parents. They both worked in the business industry, taking trips all around the world, making deals and spreading their companies name. Because of this fact, they were gone for months on end. They still visited, but they never stuck around long enough to find out what was going on with you.

You reached up, taking Ichigo's hand in your own as you gave him a smile.

"I love you Ichigo." you spoke happily. He blushed looking away.

"W-What's with you all of a sudden." he asked still clearly flustered. "Nothing!" you hummed swinging your interlocked hands cheerfully. "You get embarrassed pretty easily." you stated, which caused him to grumble under his breath.

When you both arrived at the house, standing in front of your door you turned to him with a smile. Ichigo had a smile of his own on his face.

"Don't go over training with Kisuke, Orihime told me about what happened yesterday." He said bringing his hand to thump you lightly on the head. You pouted adorably.

"I just went a little overboard that's all, but I'm really improving. Yesterday I dodged all Ururu's attacks and she only managed to get in a couple on me." you said proudly. Ichigo loved the glimmer that shined in your eyes as you spoke. You used to be so meek and self conscious, now you were really holding your own.

"I'm really proud of you (Y/N)." Ichigo's words made a fluttery feeling erupt in your chest. He had been there all the way, supporting you completely.

You looked down. "T-Thanks.." you mumbled. Ichigo was the one laughing this time.

"D-Don't laugh at me!!" you ordered punching him in the stomach playfully. His shoulders were still shaking slightly from laughter as he looked back at you.

"You're a bit too cute sometimes, don't blame me if I attack you." he whispered in a low voice. You flushed looking at his now hazy gaze. You were quiet for a while, cheeks flushed as you moved forward to place a kiss on his awaiting lips. Ichigo stepped forward, mirroring your actions.

Just when your lips were about meet, the door to your house opened. You jumped back startled at the sudden noise.

"(Y/N)!" your mother called in shock. Your father stood next to her with an equally stunned expression.

"M-Mom!" You had no idea they had even gotten back yet. Ichigo stepped forward to introduce himself, when your father pulled you roughly away from him, standing in front of him.

"Get away from our daughter!!" he yelled enraged. Your eyes were wide, you had never heard you father yell like that before. Ichigo stumbled back when your father shoved him roughly.

"D-Dad, s-stop he's my boyfriend!!" you defended about to run back next to Ichigo. Your mother clutched onto your wrist halting you. You turned to her in disbelief but the look in her eyes made you even more startled. She was staring at Ichigo with pure fear. Her hand that held you was shaking terribly as her eyes stayed locked onto him.


"If you come near her again...I'll kill you." your father said darkly. Your couldn't believe what you were hearing. Ichigo's head was bent as he stood still listening to your father's words.

Ichigo didn't even have a chance to retaliate as your father turned his back to Ichigo.

Your father stepped inside and you pulled your hand out of you mother's grasp in anger.

"Ichigo!" you called trying to push past your father. Ichigo looked up at you with regret right before he turned walking away from your house just as your father slammed the door shut. Your lips form a straight line as you all stood around in the room that was now deadly silent.

"You had no right...." you muttered. Your father turned to you with a frown firmly etched on his face.

"That boy is not suited for you!" he snapped, slamming his hand against the door.

"YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME BEFORE!!" you roared. Both your parents looked at you in astonishment. You barely raised your voice when speaking to others, much less yell.

"(Y-Y/N).." you mother whispered in a broken tone. You ignored it looking away. "They don't care about me.....they never did."

"Both of you treat me like I don't even I'm a bother." you clenched your fist.

"Don't pretend like you care now's pathetic." you said coldly. Your father's eyes were shaking at your reply.

Your father was still standing in front of you blocking your path to the door. "Get out of my way." you demanded harshly.

He was still standing firm, but you could see the waver in his eyes.

"N-No! Regardless of you may think we love yo-"

"I hate you.....I hate you both." you spoke in a monotone. A gasp left your mother's lips.

Your father looked like he had just been punched in the gut. He staggered away from the door.

You walked passed him without even looking at him. You now stood in front of the door, hands clenching onto the knob as you pulled it open. You kept your back facing them as they still wore shocked expression, trying to truly grasp the situation.

"I'm sorry I was such a disappointment, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Goodbye Mom, Dad."

With that you left shutting the door behind you. As soon as you made out on the porch you bolted on your way to Ichigo's house.

"Ichigo..." you bit your lip moving faster. There was no way your parents would keep you two apart. You didn't even know where you were going to stay, you couldn't go back home that was for sure.

Whatever happened you would worry about it later. Right now, your number one priority was finding Ichigo, that's all that mattered.

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