Chapter 40

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Ichigo pov

The orange haired teen was making his way home, eyes forward. "She could be hurting herself." The thought of something happening to you made him weary. What was worst is he knew there wasn't a way to talk you out of fighting. His only choice was to protect you on the battlefield. Aizen had to be taken down 

That was the only way to ensure everyone he cared about would be safe. A sigh left his lips as he scratched his head, watching the blinking traffic light. Just about to cross the street, he froze, body going rigid. His chest felt like it was being constricted. A short gasp left his lips as he fell to his knees. "(Y/N)...."

"Ichigo!" Zangetsu and Hichigo spoke simultaneously. Ichigo nodded, clenching his fists.

"Something's wrong..." He staggered to his feet, turning immediately. As he headed back in the direction of Kisuke's shop. Running briskly passed the people walking down the street, Ichigo huffed. Forcing his body to push harder. In his hurry he caught a glimpse of Orihime. He skidded to a stop when she just walked passed him like he wasn't even there. 

"Orihime." Ichigo called. Orihime flinched, raising her eyes off the ground. A look of surprise flashed across her face. "K-Kurosaki-kun!" Ichigo moved forward, standing in front of her. "What's wrong?" he questioned, eyes serious. He wanted nothing more than to run off. He needed to know what was wrong with you. But he could tell Orihime wasn't alright. Orihime looked up smiling. "Nothing, I'm just tired I guess." came her reply.

"She's lying." Zangetsu said firmly. Ichigo gave an inward nod. "I can't stay here questioning her, and she won't tell me. So I'm just going to have to carry her with me." Hichigo grinned. Orihime looked up in confusion when Ichigo pulled out a pill. He chucked it in his mouth. Soul exiting his body immediately. Kon grinned widely, giving a salute.

 "Go home, I'll be there in a second." Kon's playful smile fell when he saw the seriousness on Ichigo's face. "Yeah, I will don't worry." with that he was off. Orihime was now completely lost. She didn't feel any threatening spiritual pressure in the area. So why had he change to his reaper form. "Kurosaki-kun, is there a hollow?" Ichigo didn't answer just stepped forward. Without warning he leaned down, picking Orihime up bridal style. The female yelped, clutching unto Ichigo's robes as he took off into the sky.


"(Y/N)'s in trouble." Orihime mouth shut at the male's words. "I know she's in some type of danger, I'm not sure what but I can feel it." Orihime's eyes wavered when she remembered the last time you had gotten hurt. The pale look on your face as you lost blood was constantly hunting her. "I know there's something going on with you, so I won't leave you alone. I'm not letting you out of my sight until you tell me what's wrong. Then I'm going to find (Y/N) and help her too. I'm not going to leave anyone I care about to suffer on their own."

Orihime's swallowed, eyes get swimmy at the tears that were threatening to spill. Her hands clenched a little tighter into Ichigo's robes as he continued on his way to Kisuke's.


"He'll be here you know. " Kisuke's words made Kai look back. "There's no way he'll be able to tell. The only people who could feel (Y/N)'s reiatsu shift like that are me and her mother. That boy won't realize until he doesn-"

"KISUKE!!!" Kai flinched, turning when he saw the orange haired reaper in the sky. Ichigo jumped down, landing softly with Orihime securely in his arms. He placed her down gently, turning to Kisuke.

"How did he feel it..?" Kai squinted. "Am I underestimating just how far his powers go." Kai's mouth opened slightly. " No...that's not it. It has to be their mental bond, after her encounter with Zangetsu. Their connected in ways I can't even imagine. " Another yell from Ichigo made Kai focus back on the teen. "(Y/N)'s in danger, h-her reiatsu it's...something's wrong with it." Ichigo spoke a bit frantically. Kisuke looked over in Kai's direction, tilting his hat. Kai glared.

"She's fine." Kai interrupted. Ichigo's eyes turned to Kai. "She's not. I can tell. We have to go and look for her." Ichigo protested. Kai shook his head. "There's nothing to worry about." he assured. Orihime stepped forward, eyebrows scrunching up.

"Kurosaki-kun is right, I-I don't feel (Y/N)'s reiatsu nearby. Usually I have no problem sensing it cause it's so prominent. B-But I...I don't feel anything. " Orihime was starting to feel scared. She couldn't go through watching you hurt again.

"I feel her..but something's not right. Her reiatsu is...under attack in some way.." Ichigo voiced tightly. Ichigo looked up. "Why the hell don't you just listen!! We need to-"

"Enough! I told you she's fine. Walk away reaper." Kai's tone was no longer one of reassurance. It was deadly. Ichigo's eyes widened, as if realizing something. He rushed forward, grabbing Kai by the collar of his shirt. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!!" Ichigo screamed.

Orihime jumped. "K-Kurosaki-kun stop. K-Kai-san wouldn't do anything to.." When Orihime saw the look in Kai's eyes she gasped softly.

"I merely stabilized her for the time being. She won't be fighting in any war. "

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