Chapter 64

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"How did he do that ." Aizen is holding his face. He couldn't comprehend how Ichigo was able to move that quickly, or shove him with so much force. When Ichigo looks at him his eyes seem resolute.

"I see. I finally understand why you're so powerful. Why I fail to sense your spiritual pressure. You traded in it all to assist with your physical ability. "

Ichigo just stood there raising his sword. "Are we going to end this battle, or will you keep talking."

Aizen laughed. "It's seems we've both reach our true evolution." Aizen flash stepped, reappearing directly in front of him as he swung his blade. Ichigo raised his hand, catch the blade between his fingers. The ground beneath him trembled, cracking around where they stood.

"Impossible, he caught it. I can understand moving out of the way, although with my sword coming at such a speed, he shouldn't even be able to do that."

Aizen just stared.

"Was it really such a mind blowing thing to you, yes, I did catch your sword. Does that scare you? That something you can't comprehend happened right before your eyes....And you couldn't stop it." Ichigo taunted.

Aizen jumped back. " Don't mistake that for a supreme power boy! What just happened was a moment where your physical strength temporarily exceeded mine. Miracles like that do happen from time to time. Don't talk as if you've already won this battle. I am a being that surpasses the miraculous. Know your worth insolent child!!! "

Aizen raised his finger to the sky. "Hado No: 90. Kirohitsugi!!" Ichigo watched on moving as Aizen continued to rant. The dark wall was building up slowing around him and Aizen grinned in victory. Unfortunately it was short lived. Before it could fully build completely, Ichigo swipes his hand, shattering it to pieces.

Aizen's orbs are wide.

"You still haven't realized it, have you, the power I have is even greater than the power you possess right now. Now it's my turn...Aizen."

Ichigo jumps forward, slashing Aizen over his shoulder. The blood squirts out, staining his blade. It's quick. And with a flash of blue Aizen is gone again with landing on a boulder over a distance away. Aizen holds his injured shoulder, a look of fear on his face.

"What an odd reaction." Ichigo comments. "When I backed away in battle before you asked me why. Now, let me ask you the same question." Ichigo looks up.

"Why did you back away, Aizen."

Aizen growls. "I suppose you're rather pleased with yourself that you put a scratch on me. Well don't be so full of yourself HUMAN!!!" He roars, the mark on his head opening up. A bright purple light flashes and when it settles Aizen is different. He's more hollow like now, teeth sharp, body pale. There is a blackness on his face, a face that resembles that of a hollow. Tendrils are protruding from his body.

"It's inexcusable that I should let a human get the better of me. "

A large explosion erupts, but Ichigo stands still, waiting for the wind to pass. No doubt such a blast is felt by his friends at the center of Karakura. The earth around Aizen's feet is completely shattered. Fire is surrounding Ichigo's body. A noticeable burn on his left arm.

"I've seen you managed to withstand my attack, however, your left arm is no longer useful." Aizen is quick to attack, grabbing Ichigo by the throat as he moves through the air. Aizen stops to gloat, as Ichigo is still in his hold. It takes a brief second but when he looks up, his eyes are different. Aizen flinches and Ichigo pulls away.

Standing at a distance he hovers in the air and his body begins to change, There is a slow movement of black from his feet, going up his body. It's when the darkness completely encases his body Aizen realizes, he feels it. The raw power. The darkness disappears to show Ichigo's form and his eyes are crimson, hair black and waist length. His body is wrapped in grey tape from his chest, all the way up to his nose. Moving softly with the wind. His reiatsu is so strong that it's visible.


Ichigo raises his hand that's covered in what looks like black flames.

"Mugetsu." he says casually.

The dark flames head straight for Aizen, hitting him right in the center of his body.

It slowly disintegrates, and Aizen's body is lying on the ground. The grey tape seems to crack that's around Ichigo's chest. He looks down, watching the wounds on Aizen's body heal slowly.

"He's still able to regenerate. " Aizen's form looks a little more human and Ichigo flash steps to get a closer look. When Aizen raises up, all at once the black hair and energy leaves Ichigo's form. His eyes widen when he stumbles forward, falling to his knees.

" soul reaper powers, are disappearing." Ichigo eyes look up when Aizen gets closer.

He holds out his sword. "Observe, my zampaktou, is fading away. I assume you know what that means. The Hoygyoku, has determined that I have no need for a zampaktou. IT'S ALL OVER ICHIGO KUROSAKI!!!"

Just as Aizen yells a red light shines from his chest, he looks down in confusion. Three more appear in a line.

"W-What!! What is this!!!" He staggers back grasping at his chest frantically.

"Is it a kido, I don't get it! When was I attacked?!"

"It seems it's finally taking effect." A voice says. Ichigo turns.


"I set up this offensive, before you were able to completely transform. When you were vulnerable, I planted that Kido into another kido and inserted it into your body."

Aizen laughs. "It doesn't matter, I'm about to evolve even further. You think this level of Kido can stop me." Aizen moves his hand to form an attack. But the protection around his body shatters. He looks down when he sees the regular flesh of his skin.

"N-No.. this is all..."

"This is all thanks to Ichigo. Because he fought so hard and pushed you to your limit. The Hoygyoku is saying, it does not recognize you as it's master."

Aizen looks down at his palms trembling. "Y-You're wrong, it can't be, it's impossible! I control this power!!"

The red light shot out like rods in his body and he screams in agony.

"I refuse to bow down like this, I am a victor, I will decide how the world will be. I DECIDE!!!" Aizen's body is now completely engulfed in the white substance that's slowly circling around his body, Bounding his limbs, torso, chest and finally his face. Ichigo watches as the white substance finally turns to thin rods. In a few seconds it crackles, seeming to disintegrate in thin air.

Ichigo is still for a few moments. It doesn't seem real. When the clouds finally part and the skies look clear, that's when a weight leaves his shoulders. He stands up slowly looking at Kisuke.

" planned this from the beginning." Ichigo asks. Kisuke looks at him.

"It wasn't just me." the blond replies.

"(Y/N)!" he concludes. "Kisuke nods. "We all knew how dangerous Aizen was. She fought with her all in this battle. After today, that should be all that matters to you. " Ichigo isn't sure what to make of that statement. Kisuke turns.

"Let's get back to your friends. "

"Yeah!" Ichigo says enthusiastically. He moves next to Kisuke who is looking at the sky with a smile.

"Now I can finally say, it's actually over this time. " Ichigo laughs. 

"You said it." 

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