Chapter 61

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 Tatsuki, Keigo, Chizuru and Mizuro, were running for their lives. "We gotta get outta here, that guy is going to kill us for sure. " Chizuru panicked. Gin and Aizen are still trailing after them. When he appears right next to the building they are hiding behind Keigo panic and they are turn to run off again. Mizuro pulls out a can. 

He removes the cover as gas starts to pour out of it. He chugs it, not before flicking a lighter and throwing it to. The combination causes a huge explosion and they all dive out quickly. Hoping maybe the blast granted them some time. No such luck. Aizen walks out unscathed, with a triumphant grin on his face.

"Killing you all will mostly likely draw out Ichigo. I'm growing tired of chasing around mice." Gin's usual smirk is on his face when he sees Aizen raising his blades.

"I'll take care of the brats." Gin said.

Gin placed a hand on Aizen's blade to assure him and in an instant, Gin's blade struck out, going right through Aizen's chest. Aizen pulled back startled, creating a space between them. The blood is flowing from his wound and he looks down in annoyance.

"I'm disappointed, you really think you could defeat me like that. You're blade couldn't even handle the power. It turned to dust." Gin stepped closer with his hand pointed at Aizen chest.

"A single chip of my blade did not turn to dust, it was left inside your heart."

Gin looked up. 

"Kill em, Kamishinoyari."

Aizen looks on guard at the information. He grumbles. "Gin...damn you."

When the wound in Aizen's chest opened, Gin grabbed the Hoygyoku, diving behind a building. Aizen fell back unto his knees, bleeding profusely.

"It's over. " Gin sighed relieved. He isn't prepared when he hears the yell from Aizen's fallen form. "What?" 

He turned when he felt the release of spiritual energy. Aizen was growling as energy surged around his body. A blast of purple light shone from his body, shooting into the sky.

"It's hopeless, we're all going to die!!" Chizuru cried gripping unto Tatsuki.

"Pull yourself together!!" Tatsuki yelled back.

Gin looked up from the sidelines, his eyes staring in disbelief. Aizen's form changed once again, this time he had wings at his back, and his hair grew immensely.

"I win Gin, even without it being inside me, the Hoygyoku you took..belongs to me." His eyes glinted and he was before Gin in a blink. He sliced him right across his torso, reclaiming the sphere, placing it back into his chest. When he was done he gripped Gin's arm, ripping it right off his shoulders. Delivering the final blow of his blade through his chest. Gin feel back, letting out shaky breaths as blood dripped from his lips.

Gin's thoughts wonder.

"I failed....Rangiku.. 

"You're done. " Aizen said watching as the life slowly left his body.

"GIN!!" Rangiku jumped from a building above, landing over his body.

"Goodbye...Rangiku..." she blinked, tears streaming down her face as she bawled.

She stayed at his side, crying as Aizen merely watched.

Tatsuki and the other watched from a distance. "W-What are we going to do now...I-Is this it?"

The sound of someone's feet hitting the concrete made all of their heads turn. Tatsuki's breath comes out in one startled sound, eyes widening


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