Chapter 42

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~Hueco Mundo~

"Lord Aizen, I've come to report." Ulquiorra stepped forward. The smirk never left Aizen's lips.

"Your creation is dead." Aizen's eyes widened considerably.


"I'm not certain. An unidentified male was the last one with her. I didn't sense anything significant from him but now her reiatsu has vanished completely. Kurosaki Ichigo is currently battling that male in Karakura Town. Which leads me to believe your creation is of some significance to the reaper." Aizen frowned.

"All my hard work wasted. Very well. Keep watch on things in the World of the Living. Pretty soon other reapers will show up to stop the calamity." Ulquiorra nodded. "Yes Lord Aizen."

When Ulquiorra exited, Gin appeared by Aizen's side.

"Find out who the unidentified man is, I have a feeling I know what happened." Gin wore a fox smile. "As you wish."


~Karakura Town~

"How the hell do we deal with Ichigo." Hiyori said. There wasn't the usual snark in her tone. She knew how serious the situation had gotten. "I'm not sure." Shinji replied. His eyes shot opened when he recalled something. "Wait!! Where is (Y/N)?!" She got him under control last time."

Kisuke turned to him. "Didn't Orihime explain the situation to you?" Shinji shook his head. 

"She just said Ichigo was on a rampage so we rushed over. What happened? "

A look of horror crossed Shinji's face. "D-Did Aizen take her!!" Kisuke shook his head. 

"No, Kai did. "

Now Shinji was confused.

"We can explain it all later, right now...we need to get him under control. With his outburst, there's no doubt he drew in some hollows."

"It's already covered. We bumped into a couple on our way."

"Kensei and the others are dealing with it." Hachi replied.

"Alright. One less problem. "

All eyes turned back to Ichigo. He was still pounding against the barrier. Growing agitated with each passing second.

"We're still back to square one."

"KAI!!!!" Shinji looked up when he saw Yuki sprinting in their direction. "Great." When she was within distance of them, she noticed his unconscious bleeding figure on the floor. Her eyes widened as rushed forward. "W-WHAT HAPPENED!!" she cried in fear. Hachi's barrier was blocking her from even getting close to him. She raised her hands, banging on the kido.

"KAI!!! KAI!!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!" Hachi flinched.

"Stop Yuki he's helping him!!" Shinji warned. Yuki froze. She gasped when she saw Ichigo fully hollowfied. "D-Did this..." Shinji looked down, moving closer to the trembling female. "How did you know we were here? Hachi locked off the area. You shouldn't have been able to sense-"

"HE'S MY HUSBAND OF COURSE I CAN SENSE WHEN HE'S IN DANGER!!" Yuki yelled incredulously. Her hands were shaking. "S-Something has happened to (Y/N) as well. I-I can't feel her reiatsu at all. I-Is she... " Yuki couldn't utter the next words. Shinji shook his head,

"She's okay don't worry. Right Kisuke?" The blond male nodded. "She's fine. "

"(Y/N)..." Yuki's eyes shifted at the distorted tone. "T-This boy is..." Shinji eyes studied Ichigo's expression as he looked at Yuki longingly. The orange haired reaper was no longer beating against his restraints. "Why is he suddenly calming down?" Lisa questioned. Shinji's eyes moved back to Yuki. "He thinks Yuki is (Y/N). "

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