Chapter 6

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"So those things before are hollows?" Rukia nodded. "And you are something called a soul reaper." another nod.

"And the reason it attacked is because I have some kind of high reiatsu." Rukia smiled.


"Then that means it will come after me again.." you mumbled fearfully. Ichigo sat beside you. "Don't worry about it we'll protect you." he said gazing at you with determination.

"I appreciate that but..I'm sure you guys have other responsibilities. You can't watch me every waking moment, I have school." you mumbled.

"Oh, That's right Kurosaki-kun, we got an assignment today. Tatsuki-chan said you have to partner with someone." Orihime called. You gasped, "I-I have to get started on my assignment!" Something stopped you from your thoughts.

"Wait a second....your name is Kurosaki? Ichigo Kurosaki!?!" you questioned in surprise.

"Y-Yea that's me." he replied unsurly

"We're partners for the assignment. I had no idea we went to the same school. I don't think I've seen you before though."

He scratched his head awkwardly. You nodded in understanding. "I can't imagine how hard it must be to constantly be fighting and you still have to cope with school. No one even knows what you do. You really are amazing Ichigo."

He stared at you in a daze, a soft red hue coating his cheeks. "I-It's nothing geez." he turned away from you obviously embarrassed.

"We should get going." a monotone voice said. You flinched turning in the dark male's direction. You had almost forgotten he was there. "He's pretty quiet." The entire time you had been talking you hardly heard a word from the guy. You turned realizing it was getting a little to late.

"I-I need to get home as well." you said softly as Ichigo stood. "I'll take you home, there is no telling what will happen." Ichigo offered.

You nodded, like hell you were gonna say no.

Everyone was getting ready to leave when Kisuke talked. "I may have something that could assist with your little problem." He pulled a small container out of the sleeves of his cloak. You sweatdropped. "I doubt that's normal."

Not bothering to question it you took the small container that had a small bunny head at the top as it's lid. The bottle look like a normal candy dispenser.

"One should be fine for now, to help keep that reiatsu of yours under control." Kisuke pulled out his fan urging you to take the candy.

Popping the cap open without a second thought, you plopped the small round candy into your mouth. Chewing the delicious sweet your brows furrowed. A couple of seconds passed and you blinked.

"Nothing happened.." you mumbled. Kisuke laughed. "You may not feel the change but that pill should help to keep you safe. " You turned to him. "So I won't see the monsters again."

He shook his head. "This is a temporary solution, I can't conceal all of your abilities. It's impossible, but I can aid in making you undetectable for the time being."

"I understand...T-Thank you for everything you are doing." Kisuke waved his hand away. "It's really not a problem."

With one last thank you everyone started exiting. 

Ichigo was walking with you to your house. The walk was relatively silent, thankfully not an awkward one.

"He's been doing this for a while and know one even knows, isn't he scared of dying.."

You were in a daze lost in your thoughts. Here Ichigo was putting his life on the line almost everyday. Compared to what you did it almost felt like you had been wasting your life up until now.

Always nervous, afraid to speak out.

"I'm gonna be better." you muttered. Ichigo turned to you halting.

"What's wrong?" his question stopped you.

"You're the coolest guy I've ever met, I-I wanna be brave like you Ichigo!" your tone slightly startled him. It was the first time you had spoken in such a loud voice.

"H-Hey you don't have to force yourself." You frowned hands clenching.

"I-I want to be strong, up until now I've always been overlooked because I'm scared of everything. I'm tired of people looking at me like some fragile piece of glass that's gonna break." you bit your bottom lip.

Ichigo's eyes turned wide when your eyes flashed with determination. He scratched his head. "I'm not sure what I can do but if you're that serious I'll help." Reaching out his hand he placed it on your head ruffling your hair lightly. " I'll support you."

Your (E/C) orbs brightened as you grinned happily.

"Thank you Ichigo!!"

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