Chapter 63

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You're still laying at Ichigo's side with hope. Your prayers seem to be answered , because you feel the growing energy pulsing from his blade. You let go of his hand when the reiatsu started to  get a bit overpowering. You gasped, covering your face and bending low so you aren't shoved back by the weight of the energy coming from him. A bright light shines almost blinding you.

When the light finally fades you look up hesitantly. You're not sure what to expect.

Standing before you now is Ichigo, he's different though. His hair has grown a few inches, partially blocking his eyes. His clothing too. He's still wearing the reaper robes, but his sword is in his hand and there is a chain going down his arm in a spiral formation. His right hand is exposed, no clothing covering it, and there is a black sort of armor going down from his forearm to his palm. He's barefoot too.

He turns in your direction and you see the power reflected in his eyes. When he starts to move towards you, your eyes look down. You remember that look he wore just before he fell unconscious and your heart hurts. You're afraid he might be angry. You look up rambling before he can get in a word.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I was just trying to protect you and I knew you would object and-" He picks you up bridal style and you let out a startled shriek. "I-Ichigo.." He's looking at you and you're pretty sure maybe you swallowed your tongue. His eyes bore into your own and you blush just from the look in his eyes.

"Shit... I think I just got pregnant." you blurt out. Ichigo's eyes widened and heat crawled up your neck when you realized you said that aloud. Ichigo chuckles, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"We should try and make that a reality when this is all over. " he says smoothly. You don't reply just gape at him.

"First things first." you aren't given a warning when he takes off. You just hold unto him. Everything happens in a flash. You look as the wind whips his hair wildly. You love the sight. A sad smile adorns your face and you just lean your head against his shoulder.


It's not long before the both of you are now at the center of Karakura Town Ichigo's feet stamp into the concrete and you look over at the familiar faces. His eyes moved to the side. He just stares for a minute.

"Good, Yuzu and Karin are fine." you look up at him as he places you down gently.

You see Aizen looking on. Along with Tatsuki, Mizuro, Keigo and Chizuru.

Your eyes trail to the side and you notice Rangiku on her knees hovering over Gin.

"You guys don't have to worry anymore. " Ichigo says. He addresses his friends before turning to Aizen. Tatsuki is staring at him in slight worry. You have a feeling you know why. Right now Ichigo isn't emitting any kind of energy, and that must be scaring her, Because you can feel Aizen's power, it's almost suffocating. You aren't worried though.

"Aizen, let's not do this here. I'd rather we fought somewhere else. "

"An irrational request. Only someone who has the power has the right to make such a request. Don't worry, I won't destroy Karakura Town. You will-" Aizen words are cut off when Ichigo grabs him by the face, carrying his body with him miles away. You watch as the both of them are temporarily gone. You release a sigh of relief. 

"The rest is up to you Ichigo."

You turn to walk over to Tatsuki and the others. They still look very much terrified. You gave an assuring smile. "You don't have to worry anymore, Ichigo is going to-" you suddenly feel a pull in your chest and your knees buckle. You gasp, hands moving in front of you so you don't hit the concrete too badly.

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