Chapter 3

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The weeks after Yuji-kun broke up with you had been the worst. You had become a laughing stock at my school. Now everyone knew who you were. At first you had been affected, but now it didn't even hurt anymore. You tried your hardest to remain nonchalant about the whole ordeal, but inside you knew they had won somehow.

You would never trust someone to get that close to you again.

Class had started and you were gazing as the teacher droned on about an assignment.

"(Y/N) and Kurosaki will be partners." Your head snapped to the front at the statement. "W-Wait a second sensei, I-I can do it by myself I don't need to-" she shot you a cold look, her glasses glinting dangerous causing you to cower in your seat.

"Wow she actually spoke. I thought she was mute or something." A voice muttered behind you.

"Nah she just does that for attention."

"How pathetic."

Your gaze turned cold as you heard some of the students whispering behind you.

"There will be no assignments done on your own, you are to complete it with your partner or you both fail." Pushing up her glasses she continued on with the lesson. Releasing a heavy sigh you slumped slightly in your seat. "Whatever, I'll do it on my own. I won't risk getting a low grade. I'm sure whoever I'm with won't mind either."  You were well aware how these things went. Whenever you got stuck with someone you usually did all the work and they would take the credit. You didn't care if someone else got praised for your work, as long as you got a good mark you were fine with it.

When class had ended you had moved to find your partner but he wasn't even at school. When you had asked sensei she had told you that he was absent and from the sigh she gave you could tell it was a regular thing for this person. "Of course he's a slacker." Deciding not to get to stressed you left school.

"I better get started on it even though it's due in three weeks. This guy doesn't even attend regular so I'll have to start gathering stuff."  You had already started going over what you needed to get done for the assignment. You weren't gonna procrastinate because you were already going to be doing most of the work.

"Hopefully tomorrow is a better day." Your mind wondered as you walked down the street to your house. The sun was just close to setting as the clouds trailed by giving the sky an almost pink hue. You smiled up at the beautiful sight. Unconsciously you had started thinking about the handsome stranger. You blushed at the thought of him.

 "Ichigo.." you giggled to yourself as you walked. For some reason you couldn't quite remember his last name, it had somehow slipped your mind. To make matters worst you hadn't seen him since your encounter, so it wasn't like you could ask him. You frowned at the prospect of never seeing him again.

Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a strong gust of wind sweeping over you. You shrieked at the force, it felt like a helicopter was about to land directly in front of you. Bracing your hands in the front of your face you gasped making out a blurry figure standing directly in front of you. You squinted just making out a pair of dangerous yellow eyes watching you keenly.

"What t-the hell is that!?!" Alarms were going off in your head as you gripped the bag in your hand tighter.

"It would seem you can see me human, looks like I found a treat."

Your eyes grew wide as you finally saw the monster behind those yellow eyes. A masked monster appeared before you, at least ten times your size. A gaping hole was right at the center of it's chest. Your legs were shaking in fear as your breathing turned rigid. The smile on it's mask grew wider as it approached you with heavy steps. Standing directly in front of you it's hand lowered. Just before it hand was close enough to grab you, your body reacted as you tried to sprint off. You heard a gush of wind before something heavy collided with your body knocking the air out of your lungs. You gasped as your body slammed into a nearby building creating an indent in the wall. You fell to the ground in pain.

Trying to raise you cried out when it's large foot came down on your body crushing you against the ground.

"It's easier when you stay put, I can tell your going to taste delicious." the monster's distorted voice echoed in your ears.

"I don't die..." your vision started to get blurry. There was no way you were gonna make it out of this. Even if you managed to free yourself it was doubtful you would get very far in the state you were in. 

 The last thing you saw was a bright flash of orange as everything went black.

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