Chapter 27

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"You really have a death wish don't ya." your eyes looked at her unimpressed. 

A normal person would have been fleeing for their life in this situation.  Hiyori didn't really scare you though. If anything she reminded you of some of the bullies back at school.

You grinned a little, you couldn't take out your anger on them now that you had started training, they may have made your life miserable but it would be low to fight them at your current level. The fight wouldn't be fair.

Hiyori was a formidable opponent. You were pretty sure you were gonna get your butt kicked, but at least you'd do it with a little pride.

In a blink she disappeared, you grounded your feet,  preparing for the painful blow you were about to receive.

Without a miss she popped back into your vision. She clenched her fist,  driving it straight into your stomach. You coughed out in surprise, head lowering in pain as your body pitched back into the wall, colliding harshly with the concrete.

"(Y/N)!" Ichigo called alarmed. 

"What the hell are you doing snaggletooth!!" Ichigo looked like he was about to explode.

Hiyori straightened with that snarky smirk on her face. "Ya stupid girlfriend is the one that started it." She turned into your direction with a grin.

"Hah! You're all talk. I didn't even have to use my zampaktou. " She boasted.

"Maybe next time you'll watch that stupid mouth of yours human."

The way she kept saying human infuriated you. It was almost like she assumed you were weak solely because you were human. "Shut up already you're making me sleepy." you raised with a grin watching the shock evident on her face. There was blood dripping from the corner of your mouth. You wiped it off with the back of your palm, walking in her direction.

Shinji and the others looked pleasantly surprised. A blow like that would be easy for them to walk away from, but you...that was a different story.

Shinji's eyes followed as you moved closer to Hiyori. "Something about her feels familiar..."

"Just because I'm human, doesn't make me weak." You stopped a couple feet away from her, as she composed herself looking angrier.

"So what! ya got up after one blow, that doesn't mean a thing." She snarked. Pitching forward she held out her sword ready to strike you. Your eyes focused, assessing the speed she was coming at.

"I just have to counter, she's fast, but reckless." as soon as she was within your grasp, you flashstepped catching her off guard. Her movements staggered giving you a slight opening.

Joining your hands you appeared above her head, crashing your hands downwards as it connected with the back of her head. She cried out at the force as her body crashed into the floor. Dust and rubble flew up as a crater became present at her point of impact.

Shinji's eyes widened. " is she able to..."

Landing on the ground shortly after you heard her soft grunts of pain.

The blow had really stunned her. When you looked over, her sword landed a small distance in front of her.

"Say my name." You flinched at the voice. Your eyes scanned left to right looking for the origin of the unfamiliar voice.

"What the hell..." you shook your head, maybe Hiyori had just hit you a little to hard. Speaking of her. You laughed internally, it was elating to know that you had actually managed to get a hit on her.

Unfortunately, it was short lived. As fast as she had been knocked down,  she rose, grabbing her sword in the process swinging viciously at you. You kept jumping back, dodging swiftly as she yelled insults at you

"DUMBASS! WEAKLING! DIPSHIT! HUMAN! " with every word she swung more aggressively.

You were hovering slightly in the air,  running out of space to avoid her attacks. When she had you cornered you bounced off the wall charging in her direction. She looked surprised at your bold move before grinning as she gripped her sword with both hands preparing to slash you. You were planning to do a flip over her body the moment she was close enough. Preparing your body to move when you got closer, you gasped out when she dove upwards the same time you tried to flip. She grabbed you by the leg pulling you back down, driving her sword in your gut.

A strangled sound escaped you as the blade pierced your skin. Hiyori gave a triumphant grin when your body crashed to the ground. 

"(Y/N)!!!" Ichigo screamed out horrified. Orihime's eyes welled up with tears at the scene, as she covered her mouth with her palms. Just as Ichigo was about to move Shinji blocked him in a flash. Ichigo looked enraged. 

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY!!" Shinji shook his head, eyes trained on your body.

"Don't interrupt." Shinji warned glancing at Ichigo from the corner of his eyes.

Ichigo's fists were clenching his blade painfully. Unconsciously, blackness started to fill up around his pupils. He grunted, placing a hand on the right side of his face, breathing heavily.

"Calm down." Shinji instructed.

"Let me take over, I'll pummel that shrimp to the ground!" Hichigo's voice held no humor, just hate.

He was just as pissed as Ichigo. The orange haired male released a grunt trying to level his breathing, ignoring Hichigo's words. He couldn't afford to lose control, not now.

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