Chapter 68

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"Has the threat been taken care of." Toshiro questioned.

"I was told it came from within the research building." Jushiro answered.

"Those guys just love blowing shit up." Kensei said.

"Silence!!" The Head captain said walking in. They all straightened, listening intently.

"I have yet to find out if the problem has been dealt with completely. Kuchiki asked that we all meet here. So I assume he has stabilized the person running around."

Ichigo and Rukia burst through the door. Mostly Ichigo. Rukia bowed on entry. "I'm sorry for the intrusion, Head Captain. We were told by one of the hell butterflies to meet up here as well."

"What's the situation, old man, I went to the 12th division earlier but they refused to let me in the area. What's going on!" Ichigo demanded.

"We were hoping the both of you could tell us." Someone said from behind. Rukia and Ichigo spun around.

"N-Ni-san?!" Rukia said with uncertainty. Renji was not far behind with someone securely in his arms. When he stepped out from behind Byakuya, Ichigo almost stopped breathing at the female Renji was holding close. Her eyes were closed, but there was no mistaking it. It was..

"(Y-Y/N)..." he muttered. Ichigo took a step back holding his head in his hands.

"N-No i-it's not real w-we alll...we all watched her die..." Ichigo's eyes were opened in disbelief. The captains watched the trauma reflected in his eyes. Rukia moved over to his side and Renji and Byakuya moved closer.

"We found her outside my squad barracks. She looked like a wild animal that had just escaped." Mayuri grinned. "You found my experiment!" Ichigo's eyes flew open. "SHE'S NOT AN EXPERIMENT!!" He snapped. His gaze landed back on your small form.

"She kept asking for Ichigo and Rukia. She also seems to have interacted with my zampaktou. She knew his name." Mayuri perked up at the information. He walked over with, standing next to Renji with a creepy smirk. The Lieutenant sweat dropped.

"I can't wait to poke and prod you." He whispered. He reached out an arm to touch your face and on instinct your eyes flew open. Mayuri froze, along with everyone else.

"G-GET AWAY!" you screamed. "B-BANKAI!!" you cried. Renji jested back at the burst of energy that released from your body as you spun mid air. Everyone grounded their feet at the energy that filled the room and Mayuri's body was tossed forcefully into a wall on the opposite side of the building. You landed and your body was surrounded by ice, fire and sakura petals. Your eyes were illuminating a blue glow.

When the wind finally calmed down the captains were finally able to see you closely. You stood with your hands at your side, glaring.

You lifted your hands in a fighting fashion. Rukia and Ichigo looked at you.

"H-How is she using bankai when she doesn't even have a sword!!" Renji called. You swiped your feet in front of you, raising your fists to your face, ready to fight if you needed.

When you looked around the room, your eyes caught some familiar faces.

"T-Toshiro...Kensei, H-Head Captain..." you muttered. Your eyes landed on a head of orange and you froze, slowly lowering yours hands. Your eyes shook. "I..chi..go.."

The reiatsu around your body settled almost immediately. All elements you summoned fading, gone with the calming of the wind. Your eyes welled up. "I-Ichigo...ICHIGO!!" you stumbled, running over to him in a hurry. Your body crashed into his and you pressed your lips to his frantically. Your hands gripped into his shinigami robes. 

He shuffled back at the impact. Ichigo seemed frozen for a few seconds. He wasn't sure what was real anymore. Too many times he had dreamt of this. Of you coming back, holding him close. Kissing him. When he felt how insistent your lips were against his he finally returned the kiss. You moaned softly and Ichigo lost it. His hands dug into the back of your head as he slipped his tongue passed your lips.

Everyone who was there present was staring in shock. The both of you were going at it like no one was watching. No one seemed to want to break up the moment. Renji and Rukia stood next to each other red cheeked at the scene.

When Ichigo's hand started to travel under your white robes Renji snapped.

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH WE'RE ALL STANDING RIGHT HERE!!!" He yelled with flaming cheeks. The voice snapped them out of the daze because the both of you pulled away. You looked remembering where you were. You buried your face into Ichigo's chest and he scratched his head sheepishly. 

"S-Sorry about that we got a little carried away. "

"YOU THINK!" Renji raged. Rukia sighed, shaking her head, still blushing.



"I apologize for the mess." you said pointing at the wall where Mayuri crashed into. Mayuri had a frown giving you a pointed look. "You irrational child, all I wanted to do was study you." he grumbled dusting his robes. You bowed. "S-Sorry, your face is very creepy. Not exactly something a normal person wants to see after they wake up. " 

He glared at you and you turned away when you heard a few snickers in the background. Shinji walked over slapping you on the back." I must say I'm surprised. It's good to see you again." you smiled at him. You turned in the Head captain's direction kneeling. "Sir, it's an honor to see you again. I'm glad we get to meet un less threatening circumstances this time." He laughed heartily.

"I'm relieved you are alive. We never forgot what you did for us. Your brave actions saved millions of lives. Although I wish you didn't have to lose so much." you looked down.

"I-I...I don't regret what I did." you glance back at Ichigo and he tensed. "I did it to ensure we all survived. If there had been another at the time I would have taken it. " Yamamoto nodded.

"I understand. " he replied. "Did everyone make it out okay? Where is HIyori?" Shinji chuckled.

"She's stubborn, but still kicking. She stayed back at the warehouse. " you nod

"M-My parents..are they...still.." you swallowed. Ichigo shook his head. "They are alive don't worry. I've been visiting. When you di.." he stopped himself. "When you were gone. Y-You're mother she..she got really quiet but they are doing much better now." you placed your hand to your chest in relief.

"We are so happy that you are back (Y/N)." Rukia said. You smiled, moving over and giving her a hug. She returned it. "Thank you for looking out for Ichigo. " you whispered. She smiled more.

You pulled back. "We are very elated you are back, however we want to request that you stay at the Soul Society for a few days. We want to ensure you are stable. Your sudden recovery is quite alarming. It is probably no coincidence that Kurosaki Ichigo's powers were restored and shortly after you returned." you looked at Ichigo. "Y-You lost your powers?" he brushed it off.

"It's fine everything is back to normal now. " he took your hand.

You looked back. "I understand sir, I'll stay for the time being. Also, could you hold off saying anything to my parents until I head back."

Yamamoto looked a bit puzzled. "We can, may I ask why." you looked away.

"I-If this isn't permanent, I don't want them to know. I-I've put them through enough." Ichigo's hand tightened, and you squeezed his back in reassurance.

"Very well. Welcome back Ms. (L/N)." you smiled.

"Thank you sir." 

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