Chapter 48

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"Welcome back (Y/N)." Your eyebrows furrowed at the familiar voice.

"Who is that? " You opened your eyes slowly, everything looked so blurry. You raised your hand, rubbing your eyes a few times. You blinked looking to the side. When you saw a hint of orange come into view your eyes brightened. You smiled when you could finally see Ichigo's face clearly. He was laying down next to you, hand holding one of yours. His eyes were closed, he looked so peaceful. "Ichigo." you whispered as you slowly sat up. You touched his head softly, running your hand through his soft ginger locks. Ichigo let out a soft sigh and you just continued to smile. You leaned over pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

For a while nothing happened, but after a minute, he responded. "(Y/N)..." he mumbled. You couldn't tell if he was awake or not. You pulled away and that's when his eyes finally opened, slowly but surely. At first he didn't really react. His eyes looked dazed. You chuckled. "So he was asleep after all."

He blinked a few times, when he looked directly at you, his eyes seemed to widen in recognition. (Y-Y/N)!! You grinned, "Hi Ichigo."

Ichigo dove forward smashing his lips against your own. You were taken aback by the intensity of the kiss as he pinned you to the bed.

You gave in as he kissed you like there was no tomorrow. When he pulled back you could see the fear clear in his eyes. He looked ready to cry, but he never let a tear drop. You pressed your hand to his cheek with a loving smile.

"Thank you for staying by my side Ichigo." you were grateful he was the first thing you saw when you woke.

"Thank you for coming back to me." he relayed pulling you into his arms. You revelled in the feeling of his arms around your body. It felt like forever since he held you. You inhaled his scent.

"I'm back." you thought with a smile.


"Look who's back." Shinji said smugly. It wasn't long after you woke that everyone found out you were finally back. You knew there was a whole lot that needed to be discussed, but what you wanted most was to see your parents. You wanted to see everyone actually, before the war started. You looked down at your palms as everyone conversed.

"I know what needs to be done." your eyes drifted to Ichigo.

"I'm sorry.." you didn't say the words out loud, but you knew when the time came you would have to. Kisuke looked in your direction, he could tell by the look on your face that something was up. You pulled away moving over to him. You tried to make it seem as normal as possible. You smile giving him a hug.

"We need to talk. " you whispered in his ear. When you pulled away his eyes glinted in interest. He just gave a nod. You turned back talking merrily with everyone. You knew now Ichigo wouldn't let you out of his sight, so you were going to have to let him fall asleep before you could talk with Kisuke.

"(Y/N)!" you looked over when you saw your mother running in your direction. She wrapped her arms around you sobbing. You rubbed her back as you held her. "It's okay, I'm fine." she was shaking lightly. She pulled back grabbing your cheeks. "My beautiful girl, I'm sorry it took us so long." you shook your head. "I'm glad you guys didn't give up. " Your eyes caught your father standing at the side. He didn't look you in the eyes.

"You were wrong dad." he looked at you with trembling eyes. "But I understand why you did it." you said softly. You moved over hugging him as well. "There's nothing you can do to what's about to happen. I just hope you can live peacefully when it's all over. " you thought. 

"I hope you all can." you held him tighter as you buried your face into his chest. 

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